Ken Yadiggit

Yeeehhh someone who has spent a bajillion hours in front of photoshop....they really didn’t do much to her skin specifically. legit everything that happened could have been changed using a simple curves slider. (except the background). It looks more like they upped the highlights and vibrancy than anything

At first I thought it was some weird new Daddy Kink but with Zombies.

I would do terrible, filthy things with John Slattery.

SOMEBODY didn’t get invited to a wedding recently...

GOOD LOOOOORD do I hate passive aggressive tweets and updates. wonder he didn’t invite you, you sound like a dramatic little prick and a pain to be around


fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck no no no

YEH! I mean, it’s not just my dad, it’s most men I know. I feel like... I really don’t know anyone like these superheroes people talk about. Maybe my Grandfather and Grandmother, but even they had some serious flaws and I never knew them as an adult which is disappointing.

Good point!!! I never thought of it that way

I love reading your love notes to your dads, even if mine is complicated and painful and I hate y’all a little bit for it <3 but only a little.

But for my broken-Dad any of you have this just...strange misunderstanding? Like I literally cannot wrap my head around a father figure ever being as wonderful

I am only just beginning to speak to my father after 6 years of estrangement. I only do this because it really just took too much emotional energy being angry with him and expecting apologies I now realize I’ll never recieve. However, our relationship is EXTREMELY casual and I expect it to stay that way.

The hardest

So many of my friends who are dads really enjoy playing makeover with their kids. They get to sit and relax while their little ones paint their nails and brush their hair, and none of them bat an eye over it either. It’s sweet.

ew oh god ok as someone who lives in their natural habitat I will agree that Brown Recluse spiders scare the everloving crap out of me.


But like...I love tarantulas and if there is a normal spider in my house, I won’t squish him. Maybe let him outside if he’s in my way.


I just saw Wonder Woman for the first time and I cried the entire way through. I swear I haven’t felt this way since the first time I watched Buffy.

well you can’t just let me know these wonderful things exist and NOT SEND LINKS CHRIST ALMIGHTY.

I love spiders, always have. I think they’re cute. My mother thinks I’m insane.

oh my god, I love them so much.

I kinda skimmed your comment but came away with “they always taught us in schools to be wary of woodland’ll get diseases” and I was all with it until I ews “AND END UP WITH BABBY” and was left wondering what the fuck kind of raccoons you have where you live.

Your joke radar is broken, I’d get that looked at.

Honestly I’m more offended by this...

oh my god, the thought of anything remotely similar to slime being in my hair is enough to make my stomach heave.

But I will say.....your kid is INSANELY cute and I’d probably have a hard time being mad at her.