Ken Yadiggit

While I get where you’re coming from because I am friends with several Dead Galmour Girls who are totally aware it’s a sexual thing for them eing in gore modeling, there ARE a lot of special effects accounts that are just that. I wish the article had made mention of the two opposing sides.

legit the only thing I CAN’T watch. Beheadings no problem, blackhead removal NO THANK YOU.

The only thing I can’t do are those squeezing out boils or giant blackheads ....anything to do with pus really. CAN’T. CAN’T DO,.

Follow Mrs Angemi on Insta, she’s a pathologist who does autopsies and posts medical shit, including a “mystery diagnosis” day where she gets followers to guess what the picture is. depicting. I love gory stuff, and it’s one of my favourite instas....even though maybe once in a blue moon there’s something that turns

You’re fucked. I feel like we’d make good friends.

Everyone in my neighbourhood likes to stand on their front lawns, chainsmoking cigarettes while gossiping with other neighbours and STARING as I drive by. Like, legit GLARING into my car, it’s unnerving!

I’m the only non-eastern european on the street and generally can’t eavesdrop on their conversations to see what

And as I don’t have balls, I won’t pretend to know the same.

TMI, but we also have...excretions that don’t exactly help the situations either. So sweat mixed in with everything else is just a whole new bag of cats.

Crotch sweat sucks, period. My point is, “my crotch sweats” is legit the worst excuse.

Chris P Bacon, the original, is a completely different pig. He’s a regular old pink farm pig, and has grown to be a MONSTER size but his owners loved him so much they couldn’t dare get rid of him.

I follow him on Insta and watched him grow from wee baby to holy porker. Man....those guys get HUGE.

If you’re from the Catholic Church, taking care of your balls and their swimmers IS childcare lmfao don’t think swamp twat is a thing too? We have just as much sweat going on down there, believe me.

My friends and I play a game called “123 Naked” when we’re bored or walking down a crowded street. Every third person you pass, you have to imagine naked no matter what (except children). It’s a surprisingly fun game, cause your imagination gets the best of you.

I really did love that movie, now that I think back on kingdom for nerdy

Letting your kid pick what they want to eat and in the end risk their health is NOT the same as letting a kid know that he can say NO when an older person asks for a kiss, or that little boy on the playground wants to hug constantly, or that nice man asks if he can hold your hand and walk away with you at the park.

I know at least 2 other men my (and your) age who frickin adore her music. And one very earnest T-Swift fan, though I personally can’t overlook that one.

jesus christ I didn’t know I needed this until now. This is legitimately incredible

always and FOREVER

good lord, that’s obscene

I’m a Crisp Rat fan myself, but only because my boyfriends reminds me of a mixture of him and a Wahlberg. of the cute Wahlbergs.

???? That’s a thing?!