Jesus, who asks for a hug besides my elderly aunt who smells of TigerBalm and motherballs and some random creepy dude who you turn down but won’t let it go until he “at least gets a hug?”
ETA: I meant to write MOTHBALLS but I like Motherballs better so I am keeping it.
But he doesn’t owe her anything, even a high-five.
I just keep thinking about the fact.....what if it was reversed? If Kesha kept saying no to a hug? The person asking isn’t entitled to anything, right? Not even a pity-five.
Which is the WORST kind of high-five. There’s no life to it. hahaha
I don’t see where is wasn’t polite though? He could’ve told her to fuck off after asking the second time.
I dunno man. If the roles were reversed, it would seem a little creepy and overbearing. Kesha of all people should know that having a clear boundry on your physical self is important. He doesn’t need to apologize for anything, she isn’t entitled to a hug just cause she’s famous.
I eat far too many whole boxes of Kraft Dinner straight from the pot to ever want to date a trainer. I already hate myself, I don’t need someone else judging me.
oh my god, when people freak out that you havent answered their texts in an hour? Honestly, I’m a scatterbrain and misplace my phone A LOT. I also let it go dead A LOT. And I really just...don’t care enough to put the energy into finding it until later. Sooooo...they can wait
That’s a nice story grandpa :P haha
From the minute my mother gets home to when she goes to bed, she is on her iPad. She is 60. Her 57 year old sister is the exact same way. I can’t even ho
Honestly....I see just as many older people on their phones and tablets. And if cell phones came out when THEY were 15, I am DAMN…
double plus bad.
Yeh Caitlyns bitching about money sounds an awful lot like my dad talking about how my mom never loosened the purse strings for him even though he was possibly the worst person with money, hardly worked, and bought stupid shit (thankfully not the motorcycle he wanted). My mother was the only one who kept us from…
But his brother Love Machine is all about the good times.
Truth! I got a RRSP when I started my first big-time adult job when I was 21. 100 bucks a month went directly into my RRSP and I a)never looked at the account and b)knew it was stricly off limits, so whatever WAS in there I would NOT be touching in a long, long time.
Before I knew it, I had over 5000 saved and it was…
I have SUCH a complex about debt and money and it’s all because...shocker, we grew up with my mother holding our finances together with spit and a prayer. I will give it to her, she did an excellent job and is the only reason we remained afloat and alive. But now even the slightest amount of debt scares the everloving…
ugh I hate the people who are like “I’M A HUGGER!” when you put out your hand for a shake.
THATS NICE GARY, I’M NOT. And I love hugs, LOVE EM. Just not from people who assume they are entitled to one because they said so.
It’s a real pissoff when guys won’t shake my hand. I like handshakes, it gives me a good first impression to go off of. If someone respects me enough to shake my hand rather than just nod or what have you, it leaves me with a way better feeling about them as a person. You can nod or hug the women in your life as…
this made me laugh a lot harder than it should have.
I really enjoyed it too. I didn’t howl with laughter but there were some spots that had me going and honestly I just really like listening to her talk.
CK’s was the single most disappointing thing I’ve watched in a long time. It’s like he doesn’t even care anymore....
First off, I am stealing the phrase “recovering Catholic” cause I’ve never found a description that fit me so well.
Second of all.....WHAT BOOK GIVE IT TO MEEE
AHHH beautiful baby!!