Ken Yadiggit

from the looks of it lately, on another planet as well.

exactly. I love retro, mid-century furniture and household items. I love dressing in 40s era clothes, and I love music from the 60s.

I wish I lived in different eras...but like...without all the racism and sexism and stuff. Because hell fucking no,.

I know there are some gross-ass stories in this comments section, and poo and vomit and used tampons are really bad but....

I think dead turtle wins.

ugh that’s the worst cause it isn’t even your own kids puke to clean up, which is gross enough, so your parental instincts aren’t even in “i must care for this small being” mode.

jesus christ, as someone from southern ontario where these things run RAMPANT and FERAL, this is legit a terrifying image

them chickens jackin her style

Starring you cause your points are perfect and I don’t feel like responding to someone who puts words in my mouth.

guaranteed. ALWAYS.

Well done.

That’s nice.

You can also be sure that pretty much anywhere in Canada, you’re going to find pockets of places that are HELLA racist toward Indigineous people. Like....pointedly and terribly so. It’s like a thing here, it’s so embarassing.

perfect gif usage

As someone from the area where those girls were killed and am friends and family with those that loved them, including Tammy....

I couldn’t give. A flying fuck. About this piece of trash.
Abuse is terrible and bad and Bernardo is a MONSTER.
But excuse me for not feeling an iota of sympathy for Homolka.

Cherith Cutestory

ah yes, 2 bedroom was the plan! We love each other but we are also very introverted creatures that need our down time away from people. It was actually his idea and he was scared I would be mad when he told me, but I think it’s brilliant. Even if we do end up sleeping in the same bed every night, it’d be nice to be in

Livin my best life, friend. I quit my office job of 5 years and am now working part time at a winery as I run my own photography business. It’s going well! TERRIFYING but well hahaha *cry sobs*

Needless to say, I’ve lost the spare time fucking around at a dumb job I hate to browse Jez. both good and bad. Now I just

All I know is that dress is goddamn fucking BEAUTIFUL AND I NEED IT

As an Ontarian with many multi-lingual friends, Franglish is legit my favourite thing ever.

Looking to rent a place with my partner....though I’ve never lived outside home besides a roommate in college.

What’re some of the things you wish you knew when you rented your first place alone/lived with a partner for the first time?

Cuz u wanna. That’s all the reason you need :)

My parents split 6 years ago and this year I changed my last name to my mother’s maiden name. Something I wanted for a long time but suddenly decided to go for. Big, emotional change but SO worth it.