Ken Yadiggit

My mom is a blind old bat and just gabs my phone from me to look so she can hold it at a reasonable distance from her failing eyes. Old people always do this, like you’re showing them a 4x6 instead of a 1000 dollar piece of electronics with pictures of dicks on them.

lmfaooooo this is gold, I love it

get out of my house

BAAAABY, look at that face!
this here is my therapist

my dog heads straight to the little bed she has made up in her crate and looks at me like “well, are you leaving? I have some serious napping to do....” about 20 minutes before I even LEAVE for work.

She also hides out in there when she is sick of me kissing her stupid face all evening and wants some alone time.



I cry during everything. EVERYTHING. Christmas Coca-Cola commercials, every Pixar movie, even a “Heritage Moment” commercial about Laura Secord.

I did not shed a single tear during The Fault. My sister was blubbering and asking where my soul was. I just...couldn’t. It was like nails on a chalkboard, or that time my

If they can stretch the Hobbit into 3 full-length films, they can do anything.

AH yes, thank you. It’s so hard to keep the names straight when there are like....5 of each and they’re all pseudonyms of sorts.

I wasn’t sure of the Diana/Charles relationship state upon her death, though I should have guessed they were already seperated considering the commotion over her being with her new beau at

I didn’t understand a single word I just read.

Elizabeth is an increddibly interesting person, and even though I have my issues with the Monarchy I really do admire her. She was a mechanic in the war, married Charles around 21 and became Queen at 26. She is the longest reigning monarch, longest reigning female monarch, and one of the longest reigning leaders in

Philip is and can only be Royal Consort. The title of Queen or King is passed down by blood.

You might be on to something about Charles and Camilla, though. Elizabeth’s Uncle Albert was King before her father George VI. Albert basically resigned from the job because he was pretty much in the exact position Charles is

I literally just started watching The Crown on Netflix today and good LORD is Matt Smith the perfect choice for Philip.

oh god, there is nothing better than having a cigarette while eating a big ol’ burger and drinking a beer.

But usually it’s the after-meal smoke that’s the best.

ugh god. I love smoking. I fucking love it. It’s fucking DIGUSTING but goddddd i love it.

I love you dear, but gtfo

As an adopted person, if I wasn’t alive I wouldn’t know the fucking difference now would I.

I ended a rather uneventful prom in a Tuxedo shirt (but with my fishnets and heels still on!) drinking from a flask and eventually punching one of my classmates in the face for calling my boyfriend a fag. So all in all, a pretty good night.

It’s context. If you “drop an album” it’s much different than “drop a program”.

For example, Shania Twain is about to drop a new album, which means YAY MORE MUSIC.

The Canadian Government decided to drop the Katimavik program, which means, boo, no more Katimavik. If you drop funding, drop programs, drop’s

The first time I gave my blood, I watched the entire procedure intently, and when it finally began filling up the bag next to me, I said to my blood-letter “THAT’S SO COOL. Like....I can’t believe that was INSIDE me...” and she looked at me a little strangely then nodded and said “I guess it really is.”