I truly depends on your group of friends/peers. I am surrounded by young people who are politically minded and active in social issues. It boggles my mind when I meet people my age who have zero clue about anything happening in the world.
I truly depends on your group of friends/peers. I am surrounded by young people who are politically minded and active in social issues. It boggles my mind when I meet people my age who have zero clue about anything happening in the world.
Well then why didn’t any of their boomer parents teach them how to adult in the first place? If you don’t get that shit from home, you get it on the streets...or rather, nowadays, from the internet and facebook events.
I swear to god I just cough-laughed all over the place
oh god that killed me. Oh Richard :(
It’s when she got bangs. Thats when I had to stop watching.
Right? I thought this was going to be a special one off that answered more questions than asked. This was the single most unsatisfying series of episodes I’ve ever watched.
And the baby is April Nardini, if she is going the route of not telling Logan about it.
In my opinon it was the single saving grace of the whole damn trainwreck.
OH god me too, as soon as she said “You grab the head...” I was like OOOO NO NO NO NOOOO what kind of chicken snuff porn is this?!
I was waiting for this
Church Bitch Eyes is my new band name.
No one feels bad for Rich.
wait did she mean a shower-head or shower head?
(I literally do, it’s hanging on my wall right now)
but I already HAVE a plague doctor mask.
omg I also have a partner with a NYE birthday and finding two great gifts that compliment but don’t overpower one another is so hard. One is really REALLY nice and expensive, the other is thoughtful and something he has wanted but kept forgetting to buy himself for ages.
Like, do I give him the REALLY good gift first?…
dat butt doe!
oh noooo someone was RUUUUUDEEE AHHHH NOOOO
this is so silly and wonderful and made my morning
HAH I’m using this term