Ken Yadiggit

lol no shit. they went a little too far trying to amp up the story in their comments

I’m in love with you



One of my friends at the party asked if I was the alphabet. Luckily everyone else got it.

I love that shit, I’ll have to try and find it online.

I laugh when I’m scared as well, both during horror films and real life. Haunted houses make me laugh like a maniac...I think it’s also that “Ahhhh it’s okay, how silly” feeling after being scared by something that makes it almost uncontrollable.

But in real life, like when a strange at a bus stop getting in my face

I read an article somewhere about people with anxiety and the like being able to watch horror films with ease because it’s trauma we can control. It’s a movie, it’s not real, we can turn it off or pause it. 

shit no kidding, I love horror movies but I would never force someone to watch one like that...especially a frickin SAW movie. I live and breathe horror films but I COMPLETELY understand why some people just can’t watch them, sometimes I wonder why I like them myself.


have you ever been in a Starbucks line at 8:45am?

man, I miss when BCO was good.

someone elses problem now! GREEEEAT hahaha

that’s a good cat. I know they say that all dogs go to heaven, but I think there’s gonna be a special cloud specifically for your boy. extra nip.

okay well, NOW i don’t believe you anymore.

For some reason I actually find this kind of...comforting

I just snorted and spit out my coffee, thank you. this is perfect.

my sisters and I call our mother’s ‘the look that could put jesus to shame’

oh my god, she’s like a living breathing Jim Halpert.

HALP I’m canadian and scared what the fuck is happening with this overly chatty dayglo carrot