rum and diet coke cause I’m poor and it’s all I could find in the back of my cupboard.
rum and diet coke cause I’m poor and it’s all I could find in the back of my cupboard.
when hilary smiles because she knows trump is becoming unravelled while speaking...
bad hombres, bad hombres, whatcha gonna do? whatcha gonna do when they come fo you
bro. bro. I went 4 years without it and thought “meh this is fine, I shall be zen about this” and once I finally started getting some again I realized how fucking tightly wound I had been for all of them.
for sure thought it was a flaccid dick at first
pretty sure the only time I’d ever have wanted something like this was when I was technically at my ‘thinnest’ ....also in the throes of an eating disorder. That was a “bra stays on, lights stay off, covers strategically placed” time in my life.
I was with you about the Tim coffee because even as a Canuck I can’t stand it (McDonalds blows that shit out of the water)
But that Tragically Hip comment? Thems fighting words. Wait there one second while I get my hockey stick and we’ll settle this like true northsmen.
butt munching
This may look like I have a hole burned straight through my chest, but I will tell you now it was damn worth it.
that’s actually kind cute. When I was a kid, I would sleep under my desk if I was anxious. (I may or may not have done it a couple times in college as well..but only when I was VERY stressed). It just...felt like a little cave or coccoon and make me feel safe.
I got into the habit of sleeping on the couch outside our…
Don’t worry, he can get away with being misogynitic cause he’s gay. When you’re gay, you’re just being catty! ME-OW!
if by nightmare you mean oh god yes put it in my mouth now, then yes.
Silly, it’s because he’s actually just three oompa-loompas piled on top of one enother. And the top one is a little racist.
4 years is huge man, just remember that. No buzz is worth the amount of hard work I know it took to get there. Congrats on your sobriety, honestly any amount of time is an achievment, one to be proud of and admire. My admiration to you.
I’ve got a bunch of teachers in my extended family and let me tell you, they’re all possibly the DUMBEST damn people I have ever come into contact with.
Sorry. Dumest.. At least, that’s how my teacher cousin spells it.
Count Cockula, I vant to suck your dick! mwahaha
I wasn’t too sure about this at first glance but my god, that trailer sold me so hard.
How the fuck do I watch this, what is this Amazon bullshitnonsense
oh my god, this is why I miss this place so much