
All that needs to be done is simply remove the words “Star Trek” from Discovery. Then it’s just a sci-fi show that has some familiar themes. “Andromeda” feels more like Trek than Discovery. I hate to say it, but I’m glad it’s ending, it should have ended a few years ago.

I hate these fucking slide shows, they are slow to respond and it if weren’t for “click-counts” they wouldn’t exist at all.

I’m guessing that the Doctor seeing the butterfly (alive) is from the last moment in the episode. 

LOL Not saying anyone was wrong here, just posting what I had seen/read. 

Millie Gibson joined Doctor Who as Ruby Sunday in its 2023 Christmas Special, but it has now been revealed that the actor will only play the role for one season. Variety reported that Gibson will star opposite Ncuti Gatwa’s Fifteenth Doctor in series 14 but will not be starring in series 15.

As for... about what’s in store for Ruby Sunday in 2024 and ‘25. You can say NOTHING is in store for Ruby in 2025 as she is leaving the show in June.

Why is Vader in Star Trek now? Did Oscar Isaac... wish really hard??

TELL ME... that one of the Luke is taller than the other!

80% of the costs were already taken care of, in the production of sets, props, costumes. It would not have taken a lot of money to re-create missing episodes. Time... yes it would be a lot of shooting. But they could have done one story and see how the audience reacted. Remember this was back in 2012 during a

When they were shooting “Adventures In Space And Time” back in 2012, why the BBC didn’t decide to just recreate the missing episodes then, is beyond my understanding. You had the cast and the ONE standing set, just recreate them!

Gotta admit it look damn good! Can’t wait to see this series.

It might be a bit much for a 9 year old. I saw it today and while I thought it was great, not quite funny enough, and it could loose 20 minutes, but great.

There is a whole sub-plot that involved a dead girl, who looks likes she’s burning constantly, and since she died in a fire. It might be a bit much for a 9 year

The one thing the Star Wars films were missing was a lot of raping, and no one is going to be better at bringing that to the big screen than Ms. Jenkins.

I’ve read they will answer it, but that you have to remember that wasn’t THIS Discovery, but another ship, and the answer deals with that.

Was there anyone who actually thought Star Trek: Legacy was going to happen? Alex didn’t come up with the idea, therefore, it will never happen! I said this from day one, and was mocked openly. But if Kurtzman didn’t come up with it, it will never happen. 

My question was... what happened to her real parents. I don’t recall them mentioning them, are they dead? Missing? Replaced?

You are correct. I should have typed, “Jurassic Park’s CGI dinos looked more real 30 years ago...”

Because the cat was in “mortal” danger so much, I’m sure that’s why it’s ALWAYS a CGI cat, so no one thinks an animal was hurt. But it looked so BAD all the time. Hell, Jurassic Park’s dinos looked more real 30 years ago than this cat did in 2024.

I’m just hoping the title doesn’t mean this is going to become “Multiplicity” with multiple Beetlejuicies?? Bettlejuici? Not sure about the spelling, but we only need ONE Beetlejuice.

So in reality a coin flip, is almost a 50/50 chance on it’s own. Meaning heads or tails, but once in a million flips it lands on it’s edge and remains there. So not perfectly 50/50.