
This is literally the best hot-take surrounding the show.

The pointing thing was funny because like...who is that for? Does she think the baby is going to read the sign? Why not just leave a note? “This is Ruby, please look after her.

In the moment I mostly enjoyed watching it.

Somehow Andor returned? 

I hear there are some evil oil barons eyeing the property.

I’d give them all the internet points if they just had Yoda in the background doing his rabid chipmunk Jedi moves while they held a totally boring conversation in the foreground.

In before all the “culture war” nonsense comments- I’m enjoying the series for what it is.

Live-action Totally Spies? I pity the poor trio of actresses they will rope in. 75% of the cartoon’s appeal is that it’s a French fetish fest. Any faithful adaptation would be only a few steps away from a porno spoof.

“Project Hail Mary” is by Andy Weir.  You’ve got it listed as “Christopher Weir”, which is not correct.

It feels odd that the season finale of Doctor Who is already here. It feels like it started just a few weeks ago. Now we wait for the Christmas special. 

At least in the US (no clue if they do it differently in the UK), I don’t think there’s such thing as an automatic series regular - you can be in every episode of a season, but if you weren’t negotiated and contracted into the role of “series regular”, it doesn’t matter. And conversely, if you did manage to get the

So, will one of The Kingsman group show up to cancel the software offering from S Triad?

I really enjoyed the second half of this episode, though the first half was far too whizbang even for RTD. The ramp up to the mystery was genuinely engaging, which isn’t always the case, even for episodes that I like. I did feel like there was perhaps a little too much emphasis on the “Surprise, remember this 50 year

I don’t think we ever need to see the 14th Doctor regenerate, that was kind of the point of the Bigeneration. I honestly don’t ever want to see that. I want the 14th Doctor to live out his years happy and with his found family. I agree with and expect you’re right on just about everything else. Though maybe not sold as

The current UK government is planning to kill the BBC by eliminating it’s primary source of funding within the next 3 years. TV licenses are going the way of the dodo and the Tories will be happy for the opportunity to kill a public service by simply doing nothing to save it. RTD’s basically on the record as saying

Why would they kill Doctor Who now? Its one of the BBC’s key programs, even if viewing is down on traditional TV. I’m sure the iPlayer and Disney+ views are high. I know I started watching Who again because of the new Doctor and the fact that its easy to watch new episodes.

That is because the majority of the British public have turned their back on the recent series

Mostly because it’s released a day earlier than it appears on the BBC.

The BBC ratings don’t mean anything anymore now that it airs worldwide on Disney+. Before Disney+, it aired on a hodgepodge of different networks at different times across the world. There’s no way Disney cancels it after the money they put into it. 

The release schedule is weird, for the BBC.  I am not sure on the rights, but I suppose Disney could just straight up by the rights.  Cause they need all the toys.