The only thing that will ever fix D.C. is a meteor during the state of the union!
The only thing that will ever fix D.C. is a meteor during the state of the union!
That’s a pretty good list! I don’t see any missteps. I could add a few, but none would be popular!
Let’s be real here, giving guns to teachers will only accomplish ONE thing. There will now be guns already in schools just waiting to be taken away from a teacher and used on them and the students in that classroom.
I love everything about this show, when I first started seeing some of the initial images I had some concerns but about five minutes into episode 1 all that went away. Plus bravo for DC making it a 15 episode series! A few of Marvel series (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, etc) suffer from too many episodes... I’m looking at…
My biggest problem with Corden from the get go was he stole two other people’s formats and tried to act like they were totally his own idea. He’s no Jonathan Ross or Graham Norton. Yet his show has stolen the format from both of them.
100% improvement. This is the Sonic we deserve!
It’s Piss... because every cook, every day, is pissing into the batter... just be grateful it’s not P as in Precum... cause that would be worse.
On the plus side, we know for sure there is no “shadow government” and no Illuminati, because both would have gone in on day one and said... this is how things are going to be. And when Dumbo crossed his arms and said... No! They would have fed him the other half of the pretzel that nearly defeated George Bush.
So everyone in Washington, D.C. then?
Actually there are no finger holes available to you. There is a bar where your hand grips the gauntlet, and hoops that you put your fingers through that are connected to the fingers, you can’t actually get your fingers down into the fingers of the gauntlet it self.
Actually there are no finger holes available to you. There is a bar where your hand grips the gauntlet, and hoops…
Ironically... you can not actually snap your fingers wearing this gauntlet... why would they make gauntlets that don’t actually allow you to make snap... even if that’s all they did, that would be better than this!
Ironically... you can not actually snap your fingers wearing this gauntlet... why would they make gauntlets that…
You are 100% right, I’m 100% wrong. I swear to dog that I was watching videos of horses landing on their hind legs first! Mandela Effect for sure. LOL My Bad!
And in about two weeks the anti-vaxxers are going to say... here hold my beer! And petition to stop the world from vaccinating kids.
Fuck... I hate to chime in here, but they in NO WAY jump like horses, and they sure as fuck don’t land like them. Horses land on their hind legs, not their front ones. These people look more like anthropoids running and jumping than horses. This story needs to be put down.
Probably before you got off the lot!
I assumed the act breaks were for sales overseas where they will insert commercial breaks.
I enjoyed it this series, but nothing has changed except seeing Lucifer’s butt, that aside the show is exactly the same as it was on Fox. I thought they would at least crank up the swearing.
So is it PAM or not? I can’t truly tell if it’s PAM, cause there’s pictures of PAM but they talk about Conagra? Which you would think they would show a picture of that can... am I missing something?