Now playing

I would be shocked if some negotiations didn’t go on, because I think it would be hard in this litigious day and age, that you could joke about a real company on a weekly basis, including building sets and having people in costume without paying for, or being paid by... said company.

It’s not a sitcom, it’s a Greek tragedy with a laugh track.

I will admit I do got to restaurants that don’t allow kids in after 5pm. Because when I go to an “open” restaurant, it always seems to be on... Let’s Bring The Colicy Baby Out To Eat Night!

I have never understood why they don’t make a version of the cutting blade in games, sure it makes you damn near invincible, but still, they never really act like the do in the movies. It seems like a missed opportunity, particularly in an age where Stormtroopers and the like have saber blocking weapons.

Maybe this guy worked for the Catholic church? Which would explain a lot. You know if Coke or Xerox were raping kids for 50 years, we’d burn all their buildings to the fucking ground!

I’ll take... Things That Don’t Seem That Hard... for a thousand, Alex.

We are FINALLY achieving “Harrison Bergeron” status! It’s about god damn time! Ugh... 

Hey remember that time in Mid-December of 2017 when the Pentagon sent out people to every major news outlet to talk about UFO and shit flying in our skies? Complete with video footage, but because it was close to Christmas that year, we never spoke of it again. 

You know Trump reads that billboard as Imp...ish right?

We are so far beyond fucked... the light from fucked will take two billion years to reach us.

Originality is the art of hiding one’s sources. You know who said that? I FUCKING DID! LOL

Last week all the late night comedians did the exact same joke about “Bang The Gravel” nearly word for word. It’s the nature of how comedy and word play works. It happens constantly.

Yea, I’m pretty sure I’m not going to stop heaving for a while. Well done editors!

1. I want evidence that the “shooter” bot isn’t controlled off stage, to be honest it looks much more like one of those old time iron banks that shoot pennies into a dog’s mouth, than an actual robot that is shooting buckets.

Again... I’ll just drop this here... totally free to get your kids vaccinated.

Thank you!

Perfectly said!

If we just sentenced Jenny McCarthy to death, would it solve a lot of our problems? Not a suggestion... just a question.

Yea.. um... maybe you didn’t know this but the CDC makes it so underprivileged and uninsured children can get free vaccinations. Just saying... I highlighted the “uninsured” one so you can read it more easily.