
Well said!

This is the exact argument I have with the NRA. Give us a number of how many school kids have to die before the NRA will do something. I think there is a number the normal person would say... that’s too many kids dead from measles. But for the NRA the only number is... all of them. For they will never do anything.

I regret I have but one star to give you!

Measles can be way worse than you think. If anti-vaxxers only brought pain and suffering to their own kids... that would be terrible, horrid, and unacceptable. But the fact they can hurt and kill other people’s kids, makes it criminal.

It’s a shame Amazon didn’t save their Harrison Ford commercial for April Fool’s day, it would have been perfect.

I’ve never trusted Luntz, he expects us to take him seriously while wearing a fucking squirrel on his stupid head! I remember when Imus called him out on it, and I’ve never trusted Luntz since. Oh that... and I have eyes.

Tony: We were able to bring everything back, but Quill’s dingus.
Thor: I call that a win!

Now playing

I have to admit, I’m old school and always loved this!

That’s barely an apology. It’s more of an excuse for being uninformed. Do you work in Congress? Are you part of the executive branch by any chance? Are you married to George Conway?

Jesus Christ! That trailer was better than any movie that’s ever appeared on SyFy. Good for these kids! This is what the world needs!

I regret I have but ONE star to give to that comment! 

Some kids (with some help from parents I assume) did something incredibly creative and drew on memories and scenes that were all established in our minds and were able to add to it. For FUCK’S SAKE that’s awesome! The sets were 70's Doctor Who cheesy, but they were able to create a mood and add multimedia into a high

How has no one turned this wheel into a killer game controller?

Forgive my poor memory but what was the god with the guns, who made bullets? Odin killed him, wasn’t that god an indulgence?

For me, it would be because Disney built his bones on other people’s work. In this universe belief seems to come first then the gods are made real. Disney’s believe is in other people’s works, and making a nickel off them. Now that he has his own original works he has horded them so you can only believe in Mickey

OK, I’m not that old. LOL Thanks for the info. 

If anti-vaxxers only brought pain and suffering to their own kids... that would be terrible, horrid, and unacceptable. But the fact they can hurt and kill other people’s kids, makes it criminal.

I loved Captain Marvel from the opening Stan Lee homage, to the hairball ending. I know nothing about the politics of any of the actors/directors/writers or producers because... wait for it... I don’t care what actor/directors/writers or producers politics are. As long as they aren’t raping children, assaulting women,

Dude! You are on fire today!