
We know there is not Illuminati or shadow government because Trump is still in charge.

Mensa has believed in ESP and fairies. So their credibility is very low in my book.

EXACTLY!! I grew up in fuckhole West Virginia in the 60's they still had “whites only” and “coloureds only” water fountains and rest rooms. Even then they knew black face was bad and unacceptable. You will not convince me Silverman and Kimmel and Armisen didn’t know what the fuck they were doing. I don’t know if this

I’ll need a PO number first and account to charge it to. I suppose I could put it in the slush fund, or the soup over runs account. Let me check! :)

Those work really well! I just can’t convince my bosses to invest the $2 to get one, but they do have an unlimited amount of coffee filters for some reason. LOL

Don’t flatten the filter, use it’s natural dome shape to avoid it touching the food, except for that which explodes on to the underside.

Here is a simple cooking one, that I can’t believe no one has figured out yet. Use a coffee filter to cover food/soup in a microwave, and it allows the excess steam from the food to escape, and catches any explosive materials that pop while heating your meal. Zero cleanup, very little cost.

Whaddaya mean “would”... “has” is more like it! Worse still he probably slept with Anne Coulter... that seems a lot like bestiality.

If anti-vaxxers only brought pain and suffering to their own kids... that would be terrible, horrid, and unacceptable. But the fact they can hurt and kill other people’s kids, makes it criminal.

“the most diverse cast ever assembled for a Disney live-action production.”

Please tell me that is Mel Gibson in that blackface photo and not Al Jolson! Please!

Let us not forget about the “imaginary” tax cut for the middle class that was going to happen while... A) Congress was not in session and B) Just before the November mid-terms. Oops... his base just forgot about that.

Liam Neeson: If you are looking for brains I can tell you I don’t have any, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. To be racist and let those thoughts out of my head. Racism that make me a nightmare for people like me. If you let my career go now that’ll be the end of it. I will not work for you, I

EXACTLY! I appreciate people being able to work in a field they love, but for fuck’s sake, just print the fucking cards. If they all get recycled anyway, it technically doesn’t matter if you have to print the same card four different ways. Or if you have to change a line, do the white tape method on a single line.

Wow, I KNOW the person that made that Monster’s Guard! That’s awesome.

It would be kinda like... in mid-December of 2017 the Pentagon sent out representatives to every major news outlet WITH VIDEOS of things that are flying in our skies that we don’t know what they are, where they come from, or how they appear to be breaking some natural laws of flight... but because it was close to

Occasionally a writer puts a phrase together that is simply perfect...

I suspect Lady Gaga looked at the residual checks based on the song, and found it a good time to apologize. She is also no longer looking for gold in California, and no longer trying to sell the Brooklyn Bridge.

I saw it when it originally aired, it was interesting at the time, but felt a lot like “War Of The Worlds” but for TV. My father was in the Civil Defense and he just sat there the whole time pointing out everything they got wrong. He also believed a desk could stop you from a nuke, but that’s another story. 

I always thought the Rio had the best buffet. It seems to have a huge selection of international stuff. Oddly, next week I’ll be at Caesar’s and I will definitely check this out.