
When he asked Gordon if he could drive a stick, I always thought of it as a watermark for a persons skill set. If you can drive a stick, it means you have a better understanding of a car, than someone who doesn’t. Meaning, Batman could have easily said...
Batman: Can you drive a stick?
Gordon: Sure.
Batman: Good,

The one thing that bugs me about the movie, and shows like Star Trek, is the idea that people can be disintegrated easily. Now the Thanos disintegrations could be called magic, so they might be able to get away with this, but the amount of power necessary to completely destroy a body, in a second or two, is massive!

I LOVED how Van shut him down. I’ve watched TMZ for years and Van breaking Kanye was one of the best things I’ve ever seen. You know your in the wrong when, the only viable option in the debate you have is to get within your opponents striking distance, and offer a hug. You truly have no legs to stand on at that

Nope! Just nope!

Wow, he looks a lot like a 6' Vern Troyer.

Did anyone else notice that there were only TWO songs in the movie? It’s really rare for a movie set mostly on Earth not to have music in the background that gets listed in a laundry list of music at the end of the film. Here, not so much.

Very salient point! Thanks for that.

That’s a great suggestion! Never thought of that. Thanks!

Particularly at Concierge level, yea you get free food and booze, but man is it pricey. Plus I love the Cabana bay, they have a bowling alley, and a great eatery, plus a Starbucks in the lobby.

I wonder if the same could be said for non-Earth based craft coming here? Would we simply not be able to see them?

The last two time I was there, in Dec and Jan, for the Magic Kindom, the Uber dropped me off at that Monorail station. They get very close though for Hollywood Studios, and Animal Kingdom. Epcot I’m not sure about. But those are fair points.

Excellent article. It was broken down and demonstrated really well!

The headline for this story should have been.

Here is a trick I often do when going to Disney World and Universal Studios. I stay at the Cabana Bay near universal, you can get an amazing package from them, particularly if you are staying from four to seven days. A whole week at the Cabana Bay can be less than a single night at a Disney Resort. The last time we

This thread goes on for so long, I can’t get through it all, but of what I have read, (pages and pages) I’m totally impressed no one, not once, conflated the word proof with evidence or visa versa, and that’s impressive.

It’s actually in KJV - Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. We Mendela-ed the “s” off of heavens. Sorry, my bad. It’s on the list. Please referee to the Catholic Bible for proper Bible quotes. The KJV is so fucked up now. The Wolf is laying with lambs instead of the Lion, and we put in

The bible teaches us how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go” - Cardinal Baronius.

To paraphrase Trump... dog help me... “You are the least racist person you know”. If your next post has the phrase, “I have a black friend” I would prepare to duck. :)

Let’s not throw the words “religious racist” around, when “religious zealot” might do. :)

Man you pulled out the big guns there! (tip of the hat) I believe you will have checkmate in three moves.