
Laughed way harder at that than I should have. Thanks!

Yea and our best chance at finding it quickly just kicked off last night. Plus I never thought we would have quantum computers already. I thought that was a distant dream, but at this rate we will have them in our homes in twenty years. Well we both will/and won’t have them in our homes in twenty years. #QuantumJoke

That’s kinda zen... I like that. I remember in the movie, “What the BLEEP do we know” they suggested that the native people could not see the ships coming to shore, they only knew something was coming from looking at the ripple of the waves. That’s hard for me to get my mind around, but could be true in this case.

Nice... But that’s a Mandela Effect (or the Mengele Effect if you prefer), in the previous reality, it was Regis Philbin who hosted Star Search, and Sinbad’s impression of a Genie made him famous. We are working on fixing these as quick as we can, but we have our hands filled with adding the “s” back to the end of

It goes right up there with “god told me to run for office”. #Oprah #OprahSecretsSheLovesBread

Yes instead of wasting time with religion they just worked on science and tech. I think Family Guy did a multi-verse episode about that.

Aren’t the people who released these videos the same ones to say they had parts they retrieved that they couldn’t figure out what elements they were made of?

Well if you believe the Universe and the Earth in particular is only 5000 years old, then yea... timeline is fucked. :) Maybe he was talking to Sarah Palin about these videos?

Evolution doesn’t seem that hard to understand, it’s mutation, or selective breeding mostly, and we have evidence for both.

This is the most hilarious thread I’ve read in a while. I made it all the way through, but Dikt1 said in the Gotham thread this week ....that is so absurd it borders on genius. (I think it stands here as well)

I tip my Atheist hat to you. Very well said.

Distance is the one for me, if they can travel that far, that fast, then Earth must seem like visiting an ant farm by comparison. Still popping to another parallel Earth might be in the realm of what’s easily possible. I don’t know that they are aliens or just probes, but they are cool. Why aren’t they the above the

That made me laugh harder than it should of.

I’ll take people who have way to much time on their hands for $1000 Alex.

Mine mewed like a cat once for no reason, and it bugged the shit out of me. I though I had a cat trapped under the house. It was only by accident I glanced at Alexa when it was doing it, and I saw the ring lit up that I realized it was Alexa!

But don’t we love Amazon? They bring us nice things, to our door. All the time... and The Tick!! Though when my Alexa started mewing like a cat, that was a bit unnerving.

Wow that sounds like you were in the meeting room with those pricks!

And typically have shorter life spans.

The idea that I could have a car that would drive itself once it’s out of my garage, so I could sleep or play video games while going places, I’m all in on that! Flying cars seem dangerous, expensive and require a lot of skill. Not that it seemed in abundance in the clip above.

There just can’t be an asteroid, or Planet X or Nibiru hitting here fast enough.