This always has to be posted when Anti-vaxers are mentioned -
Wow! Now I really want to get a system again. My only tiny, complaint, and it’s super tiny, is the sabers don’t cut. I think it’s both a good thing and huge flaw, but I really want my sabers to cut.
JJ Abrams will be doing this now for years!
I’ve been spending a few hours working on a Mad Max parody/mashup, but I don’t think it will be as good as this one!
Too old? Or too unappealing? There’s a difference. Her taking over for Katie Holmes in Batman was just terrible.
This was exactly as real as Romney’s presidential campaign. Staged, Devoid of meaning, and Classless.
“Gotham” is missing this as well. If young Master Wayne had stopped Selina from pushing Reg out the window, I would have been impressed. The scene where Bruce starts to push him out and then is stopped... by I assume... the force was just terrible. Bruce is better than that, and I thought the writers were as well.
Let’s be realistic here, it’s CNN, the cops probably just thought they had to cover the Avengers 2 opening in stead of the protest. Since it’s exactly what they did last week with the News Correspondent’s Dinner.
Any relationship that didn’t end with gunfire or a restraining order, really wasn’t worth having in the first place. I love me the crazy women! LOL To paraphrase an old idiom... If you love something... set it free... If you shoot him in the back... it’s yours. If you miss... it was never meant to be. JK :)
In the recommended stories above where they have the video of the plane that turns into a UFO, you can clearly see the interiors of the craft at times.
You know what “Pale Ale” and having sex in a row boat have in common? They are fucking close to water! :)
It was like an SNL parody, I tuned in totally by accident! It was worth the watch!
This seems like if a bunch of fans of say... oh I don't know... Star Trek, somehow managed to cobble together some sets and costumes and then formed a kickstarter to make episodes... but they aren't being paid... and no one is making any money... so it's fine! Not really.
She was lovely and sexy, and just the kind of crazy I like. It was hot, and wow, she was a huge fucking racist. Thankfully, I was able to walk away. The one time my dick didn't win out... even he hates racists.
Sorry... has to be said...
She can lock my chevrons anytime she wants!
My chapa'ai has a destination for her!
It technically might be the last thing broadcast, but more people are watching CNN in the booth right now, than are watching at home. And when the end comes, do you really think there will be power to either broadcast or receive this? My high end Baygen radio can't pick up digital broadcasts, no matter how hard you…
I loved the movies, but Part 2 never convinced me I was looking at the future in any way, everything looked like studio props and gags that paid off well, which is exactly what they were. But at the time, I'm sure a fax machine in every room seemed like a very logical idea. The only thing you can actually glean from…
For decades I loved soda, and never understood why soda, even diet soda makes you fat, and found out just this year it's the carbonated water, that stretches out your stomach. Needless to say, I no long need a soda stream.
For decades I loved soda, and never understood why soda, even diet soda makes you fat, and found out just this year…
I will continue to be a hero and rebel to the women that I date. LOL