
That's great stuff! Thanks! I wonder if the producers sat down and thought out all this stuff like the fans are doing now! Amazing video though.

[Raises Hand] One Question please... why didn't Vader's legs and arms fail when the EMP went off? Aren't they driven electrically like his chest box is? Just curious.

I might try and find a way to make that real with editing.

I wonder if heat vision bounces off the blade of a light saber? I was sort of shocked that Bats didn't produce a magic talisman of his own from any number of people from Zatanna to Ra's Al Ghul. I can't remember the name of the other magic guy in the Batman cartoons. I fully expected him to just reach into his belt

I'm always shocked they can slap these great satires together in about five days! It shows that the writing is more important than anything.

We don't avoid hot tubs because of health risks or disease. We avoid them so we don't have to sit in a warm pool of someone else's jizz! (you're welcome)

Not a huge fan of watching people play video games, but these are funny/clever as hell!

Was the man Will Smith? Cause if it was... that would have been amazing!

Cassandra Peterson is such a lovely and classy woman, this is nothing but good news. There won't be another Elvira, regardless of what reality show says otherwise. :)

THANK YOU for not using the click-bait title of: This Cat Loves To Be Sucked On! We are very proud of you for not sinking that low. Cut video! And oh... how did they find out that the cat enjoyed this? What 500 other things did they do to the cat that it hated first?

Proper Article Title - Michael Bay Will Now Take A Picture Book, And Make It Into A Franchise... Cause You Know... Reading Words Is Hard!

And now you can throw knives in COD well over fifty yards accurately, I can't throw a football fifty yards accurately.

You couldn't be more right! I think my .45 still lets me shoot the length of most current maps. In real life you get about 6 feet before the bullet start tumbling off target. I always just thought the maps had way less oxygen in them, thus a pee shooter can shoot two miles with no deviation. :)

There is NO release date for this, I've watched the sub-titled one, but I really would like to see the English dubbed version. It's been out for over a year, why does this process take so long?

That seems just crazily overpriced. OMG I just saw that's regularly priced at $1400. WTF? If anyone buys these... please send me some money cause obviously you have way to much of it laying around.

That seems just crazily overpriced. OMG I just saw that's regularly priced at $1400. WTF? If anyone buys these...

Inspire Pro — Paint, Draw & Sketch comes up as $4.99 not free just FYI.

Well the IQ on "The View" just went up about 140 points!

Yes... yes I could.

Now playing

Kingdom Hearts 2002 even at 240 it looks about the same, start about 55 seconds in to avoid text crap -

I was thinking the same thing. Exactly what system will they run it on in High Def? Not the Wii-U certainly. And if you are waiting until 2015 why not 2k?