
I'm just waiting for Vader and Stormtroopers to show up on "Once Upon A Time", you know it's going to happen. The day Disney bought Lucas Film I made this video... Star Wars Remastered, The Disney Edition!

So this is what the next Indian Jones movie is going to be about?

Truly one of the most talented character actors ever! From voice work to one of my favorites films of his "The Frighteners" he can really do what few character actors can... he can act.

Penn & Teller's BS had the best version of this, they took a kid who loved to play video games and got him to shoot a rifle in the woods (in a very safe manner) and it made him cry he never wanted to fire a gun again.

If JJ is the guardian of Star Trek, he needs to do better!

Thank you! You're right! Oddly STEREOSCOPICOVISION doesn't fit as well on a marquee as 3D does. LOL

True, there are multiple cameras used above, but they are all "dead on" front, no shots from the far left or right, and the end you see the mesh/screen he's projected on to. Show me a 3/4 right tight shot, and I can see behind him, then I'll say it's a hologram. To me it looks like a projected image. If you watch

I wasn't there so I couldn't tell you for sure, but I know Miku Hatsune projects his "holograms" onto a thin mesh screen. I would have to see a really high quality video of this to know for sure.

Not a hologram, we have to stop calling projected videos a hologram, a hologram by definition is 3D, these are very, very flat! If you were standing on the side of the stage you DO NOT see the side and back of the person projected. NOT A HOLOGRAM!

Every time she turns that crank she owes George Lucas two bucks!

The guy dumping them from the helicopter only brings up one thought... as god as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.

I think I'm changing the Mythos here for Star Wars too... and oddly I'm using Time Travel... and The Doctor - []

That opening card should have ended with... many Bothans died to bring you this trailer.

Anyone who can look at Cumberbatch and not think Romulan/Vulcan or at the very least Klingon? You crazy! I can't believe JJ would be doing "Balance Of Terror" but dimes to donuts he won't be doing an original story. Because after setting up this brand new universe why would want to do something totally original?

This is the way to do it, a nice combination of physical effects and green screen work. Very well done.

Now playing

Paul Sibbald does the BEST Obi-Wan, check out :57 seconds into this video. He looped the entire line. Oh and he does a great Emperor as well at 1:50. Just saying...

Just FYI, the woman in the Slimer outfit is the very Talented Robin Shelby, she was also in Willow!

Just FYI, that's Robin Shelby in the Slimer puppet, she's amazing, and worked on great movies, like Willow.

Yea, that makes sense. But still... very Daleky. LOL

So there are going to be Daleks in MIBIII?