
Here's why it's a FU to the fans. Paramount has had NO OTHER franchise make the kind of money and have the staying power of Trek. Sure the last few sequels were rocky, but they still made their nut back. When Trek 2009 make the kind of money it did, they should have concentrated on that. Every time we bought a

That's a fair point, but seriously... how long does it take to write a quality Trek script? They never really finished writing TMP, they were still re-writing while shooting it. (MIB III I'm talking to you there) TWOK was pounded out in six months... SIX MONTHS! And it's probably the best in the series. STIII I'm

Then they will push that date back to Summer 2013 because they would rather have a tent-pole summer blockbuster than a Christmas 2012 release. FU Paramount, FU JJ, for not getting your shit together. Did the last one NOT make enough money for you to bother with doing a sequel in a timely fashion! But really it's

Now playing

Here is my take on it - Doctor Who - Timelords of the Caribbean

You get to level up for the use of the phrase "Schrodinger's Zygote"! +1 for you! Well done, and very funny!

Twenty years ago I stood next to Nina Hartley at CES, as we watched her first 3D porn film with flickering glasses. After about ten minutes of watching her and some dude, we simultaneously took off our glasses and looked at each other said... "yea, that's enough of that". And we never watched a 3D porn film again.

I truly hope they put a card up at the beginning of the series premiere this weekend as a nice in memorial to her.

I like the idea that when the Doctor leaves Rose for that moment before he comes back and says, "Did I mention? It's a time machine." That he went and had tons of adventures, which would allow him to be placed in historical photos, all of which he was alone, without Rose.

I would love Paul McGann to show up, but it's not all that crazy. Since we see the 9th Doctor at the start of his regeneration (or maybe moments after since he hasn't caught a glimpse of himself) in 'Rose'. Then the 8th Doctor MUST have been using the same console room as the 9th, since the 9th never says anything

Here's Matt Smith In Carbonite

Just FYI, "Return of the Jedi" has NEVER made a profit, which is why none of the actors, like David Prowse ever saw a penny of their "net" profit.

I love how STUPID people who claim to be reporters are. The line was NOT "How many times can you regenerate" it was "How many times can you CHANGE?" Which is a helluva a lot different from REGENERATE. Romana changed SEVERAL times before settling on a final form for Romana II. And the second Doctor was given a number

These look better than anything in the prequels... PERIOD!

I don't think Sara Jane Adventures are canon.

I never bothered to see Episode III in the theaters, I can't imagine I would watch I-III again. Sign me up for IV-V-and maybe VI.

First off without Rufus they can't really make this film. Period. Second the film shares a lot more in common with Doctor Who than a phone box. []

They have to do something with River, and killing her would just be the simplest thing. Time is wibbly wobbly and you could kill her off before they could date. I love Alex but she aint getting any younger.