Love My V8 Finder of Paths

After living in the carolinas for 8 years..:you're right, it is good to be back in Colorado.

Many a horn honks not made during sketchy situations because 93/94 Jeep Grand Cherokee

My vote is Aquaman...he sucks...maybe he is good at something:

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If you mention the NEED to mention the Eagle SX/4

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Gallagher should have used a 3 wheeler...wouldhave had much better results

R5-D4 got blasters yo!

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Because my friend had an ‘88 Mazda 626, we were in high school, it was summer, we were bored, and it was on sale at Checker Auto Parts.

Three choices:

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The 2008 Nissan Pathfinder SE/LE 5.6L v8....when I got in for the test drive and heard the exhaust note I fell in love. It isn’t what I would say “incredible” but I was very pleasently surprised.

“Triple-blink blinkers are nearly perfect for lane changes, which is probably over half of what blinkers are used for anyways.”

I would always get calls from my Nissan dealership especially right after I had some warranty work done on my Pathfinder and they would make a similar offer. They would kindly tell me that they would match or beat my current payment for a new brand Pathfinder. I told them that I was very interested in that offer,

So many questions:

I really do feel that this is a sad story but the truth of it all is that this is not an American factory, America is not mistreating its workers, and America is doing what it can to save money. Were this an American factory it would be shut down right away and workers would be compensated and conditions drastically

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I like what Utah DOT and Highway Patrol have been doing to educate their horrible drivers. Saw this on a commercial when I was out there visiting my in-laws a few months ago. Although I think there were 8% of the population who were upset about the mistreatment of the blown tire.

Worked at les Schwab in college. For tire slinging...on the job training is about 80% of learn the job in the first week.

I am assuming that says “Brown University” if that is the case, this is definitely not a Republicans car.

There is NO excuse for poor celing fan maintenance. Those blades should be tightened down ASAP!

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I like some redneck commentary with my brake tests.

When you’re catching a nice long pass, And you feel something more than gas, That’s diarrhea, diarrhea