Now I haven’t actually seen the entire movie...just the clip below, but it is an actual movie and money was spent to make it...clearly not enough.
Now I haven’t actually seen the entire movie...just the clip below, but it is an actual movie and money was spent to make it...clearly not enough.
Glad some people on here have pointed out the rich heritage of the antichrist vehicle name
I drive from Denver to SLC and back fairly often and when I am driving on I-80 the limit goes between 75 and 80 mph depending on what part of the state(s) you’re in. Whenever I do that drive, regardless of where I am at, I always feel that I need to go 5 mph over the speed limit. It is just a subconscious response to…
I’m pretty sure thats a lambo dude!
Nissan is that way...drives me nuts
I am not sure if it is laziness or just keeping up with auto safety standards. You can clearly see that over time the Cozy Coupe has been modified with drivers safety in mind, note the strengthened A-pillar which in earlier models was more of an aesthetic and could even be removed (if memory serves correct). I feel…
Does it count if the police officer encouraged it?
I am really interested to know if his system was in fact modified. If that is the case, I think Tezla might be in the clear, in a manner of speaking. Agree that they need to put better safeguards on the system and at least put something in there that recognizes police cars. Although, if he had Dukes of Hazzard mode…
David Tracy translation: Those are gonna make perfect wheeling vehicles!
Wow Jason. Just...WOW. I can’t believe you just called a movie with some of the best car porn of the 2000's “crappy.” I am sure you would be singing a different tune if Eleanor was a Tatra 603 or a Hoffman.
You live in North Carolina and have a basement?? I can count on one hand the number of basements I saw living there for 8 years.
Many moons ago, I was helping my friend change a starter on a Mazda 626 and we were using a HF floor jack as a jack stand...one of the dumber things I have done. I had been under the car for about 30 minutes and was about to secure the new starter in place when I realized that it was much harder to breathe than it was…
Ayone else see the similarity in wheels?
As i did back in the 90's...I blame California!
When I moved to Hawaii in 2001 there were two cars that seemed like they were everywhere I went: G body Monte Carlo’s and S-10/Blazer Xtreme’s with modded dual exhaust kits. I have no idea why these specific cars were so popular. Without fail, around nearly every corner, I would see an Xtreme or a G body.
Beautiful to watch being detailed also...
Anyone else see the F-14 at the end? Oh please be in there.....
Damn that thing is sexy!