Kelly Cardigan

Came here to post this. Thank you for doing the lord’s work.

Now playing

Dammit. I have to watch this whole thing every time I come across it.

Like some kind of Bustin’ curse.

Here’s another earmworm of Neil’s:

I ain’t fraid of no sleep!

This just ruined my life. Thanks I love it. 

Came here for this

Is this what having a stroke is like?

this, not enough is ever said about energy consumption of crypto and it NEEDS to be mentioned EVRY time.
people have head ins clouds about all the benefits of crypto but until we have functional quantum computers,, crypto will always be out of reach form an energy consumption standpoint, and once we DO have quantum

  • “Good” fats, like those found in plant oils

Side bar: while getting away from highly processed foods and items with added sugars is as close to a broadly absolute rule as you can get when it comes to eating healthy, the specifics - similar to a healthy approach to fitness - are highly individualized; fruits and vegetables of all colors”, as an example, can be

Yeah, no pterodactyls at all. So unfair.

Jung and Freud were not scientists - pretty much everything they came up with was unsubstantiated mythology.  Might as well take time to figure out what Zeus wants you to sacrifice for good fortune.

“I’ve really liked getting to know you over the past few weeks. You’re super funny and cute, but I’m not able to commit to a relationship right now. The sex is great, though—and I hope you feel the same—so if you’re interested, I’d like to keep that going.”

A more important article would be: How to make sure Windows 11 isn’t installed on your Windows 10 PC.

Why, you might ask?

This series has outstanding opening and ending themes and is a lot of fun, but I'm definitely not interested in a dub. At least there's a sub option. I wonder how the HD transfer will look. Time to head over to Kickstarter to find out.

Why does it need an English dub?

It doesn’t work for me. Some of the “shot-for-shot” stuff in Watchmen worked for me, but where is strayed or added was awesome.

Counterpoint: this confirms a lot of our worst fears. Low production values that make it look like a glorified fan-film, and a lack of originality that begs the question “why adapt this if you’re not going to add anything new or interesting to it?”

Hrrrrrm, I don’t know. It kind of looks like some fan-made adaptation of the original intro or like a hip-hop video from the 90s or something. Based on this alone, watching the live action adaptation may be a bit too cringe for me.