Kelly Cardigan

This. Dude was trolling under age girls acting like an Alpha Incel. I was a HUGE Roiland fan, R and M, Solar Opposites, high on life, all very very fun entertainment vehicles. After I saw those texts, and there’s been radio silence from Roiland concerning them? I’m out man. Won’t watch another episode. Atleast come

Especially considering The Mandalorian leans the most heavily on the Western style/tropes, as compared to literally all the other TV/movie SW properties. Yes, the writing style would feel weirder in the movies or Andor because those aren’t as purely Western inspired/stylized as The Mandolorian is.

Right? Like, way back when the two had their huge season 3 spat, I felt like a pretty consistent picture was painted that the source of the issue was that Harmon wanted to make the show more structured and planned out, and Roiland just wanted to endlessly riff and not be made to plan things out.

And certain toothed mammals like to remind beaked dinos why teeth were helpful back in the pre-Chicxulub days.

I remember people being pissed about the Rogue One trailer, with some scenes being ones just filmed for the sake of evoking the tone in the trailer without having to give things away.

It’s so sad that this show only got to run for 2 seasons. 

The only winning move is not to play.

A video? I guess I’ll never know...

Just a reminder that the best way to experience Diablo IV is to delete your account and then never talk about Blizzard again!

They can go fuck themselves... At this point I’m hoping that Microsoft will clean house in the higher up, dissolve Activition/Blizzard completely and just absorb the developers into the various Microsoft team/studios.

This is so disgusting, I don’t want to touch any of their product anymore.

I have to agree, between the terrible PR this game has already been getting... and the disaster of Diablo Immortal... I feel like I’ve lost any will to care about Blizzard anymore.

Like Sojourn, she’s another character who has had a background presence in the game for years complete with voice lines.

They sure are. I remember at the time they were being really cagey about whether they'd add her at all. They were probably sitting on her all these years to release her in OW2, and didn't realize at the time it would be half a decade later.

Is her opening cinematic just her shooting the nuts off every ActiBlizz exec with that shotgun? Because yeah that’s literally the only thing that’d make me interested in anything else this company does.

Okay, Stephen Ddungu here. Firstly Jeremy, I didn’t know you were going to make it a race issue, I’m quite disappointed to be honest.

This is Google levels of failing the Voight-Kampff test.


Fixed the header, no need for thanks.

honestly though, it makes sense this time. plus, Sheev is the best character in all of Star Wars