Agreed. I think that so long as he doesn’t attempt some moving, narratively-intense project, he should be fine. He’ll be an absolute boss with anything that involves spectacle, and I’m actually looking forward to his work.
It’s just that “if a person is good at one thing, they should be able to be good at anything” bit…
I can give you 3, if I’m feeling charitable, but allow me to make arguments against both in terms of “coherency.”
MGS 1 relied on a central conceit involving genetics: that inherited traits fundamentally make us who and what we are. Kojima was trying for a nature v. nurture narrative, but his absolutely mind-bogglingly…
Fully agree and that's not even mentioning how problematic he's been with women characters
“In the future, Kojima Productions will also start making films,” Kojima said. “If a person can do one thing well, then they should be able to do anything well.”
Strongly disagree. Even with good grip strength, your hands are never going to be as strong as your legs/back/core. So if you’re deadlifting only to the limit of your double overhand grip, then you’re not going to be getting much training effect out of the lifts. So chalk up, hook/mixed grip the bar, and lift…
Fuck Jim Spanfeller.
Personally I like to stick my step counter on my wrist and get to work.
no booze is fine, you are right. What is not fine is making people wear heels and then pay for booze. That is rude
Sticking to sports is a recipe for boring, low traffic articles.
You guys are awesome. It is not hyperbole to say that this site often gets me through the day. Keep up the good work, and for the love of god do not stick to sports.
Yesterday, D.C. writer Topher Mathews posted about the pumpkin on his doorstep. Specifically, he posted about how…
Yeah, they definitely need to do more testing on updates before release. But, the delay of Wastelanders seems to suggest that they’re slowly starting to recognize the importance of polish.
Looks like someone forgot to include the ‘sponsored post’ tag.
So are the shitty G/O Media masters now just bringing in freelancers on the promise that they can plug their shit for half a post as long as something goes up on the site? How is this not marked as a fucking ad?