Kelly Cardigan

I haven’t seen anything that indicates protestors are targeting media, personally. I believe you that it may be happening, I just haven’t seen it.

I am glad I could help. If you want more confirmation than just from me, here is a link to confirmation from CNN, since it’s pretty buried even there.

Just want to point out that the CNN Center houses an Atlanta Police Precinct. The only place I have seen mention this in their reporting is (ironically? I don’t know) CNN.

His PlayStation and the official controllers are also manufactured in China so he should probably burn it or something. 

I have kept a box of disposable N-95 rated surgical masks on hand for years. I wear them whenever I am out while sick, sometimes when I’m healthy during cold and flu season (depending on how things are locally), and when outside during allergy season to help with the amount of grass and tree pollen I inhale (they

Working from home. Developed symptoms yesterday similar to COVID-19 and called my doctor. They aren’t doing testing, gave me care instructions, and told me to call the Department of Health. The Department of Health told me I wasn’t eligible for a COVID-19 test because my symptoms are mild, but told me I should do a

Since I haven’t seen MBCock around Kinja in ages:

Kewpie Mayonnaise. The only answer is Kewpie. No other mayo is even eligible, and no other sauce can even come close.

Kewpie Mayonnaise. The only answer is Kewpie. No other mayo is even eligible, and no other sauce can even come close.

Uhh, you forgot the most important thing...

I’ll definitely be playing some Monster Hunter World, as I finally was able to get it working post-Iceborne launch on PC and picked up the expansion and it’s GREAT>>>

I would be up for more Overwatch as well, but only if my friends are available. Friends make that game great!


Good Kinja right here.

TBH, I am way more interested in the golf balls.

100%! If you’re in a good rack position (without pain) so your back / shoulders / core aren’t collapsing you’re good!

I don’t have data on this, and yes, lots of folks can maintain upper back tightness in the crossed arm position. For experienced lifters I don’t think it would ever be a problem because they probably know how to tighten everything up and stay in an upright position.

Highly recommend straps for front squats over crossed arms if you don’t have the mobility to hold the bar in a standard front rack position (bar on shoulders in front of your neck, hands on the bar, elbows pointing forward). When you cross your arms to front squat, it’s easy to lose tightness in the upper back and

Gita, thank you for writing and sharing this. I also discovered Olympic weightlifting as an adult, and my weightlifting journey is also connected to both games and my relationship with my own body. Weightlifting is awesome and transformative in a way that’s hard to describeyou have really captured a lot of similar

Ahh, the ol’ second pull. I remember when this first clicked for me. It was with a weight that had been tough for a while, and then bam — my body was positioned correctly in the power position, I exploded upward, and the bar got high enough that I received it in an easy power snatch position. It’s a really amazing

I always think that this clock shift will make it easier to get up early, but it never actually works out that way. No matter which direction the clocks move, the sudden change in when the sun rises and sets relative to my daily schedule completely borks my circadian rhythm and ruins my ability to sleep and wake for

I, for one, am just so unbelievably happy that Kotaku has decided to stick to sports. Way to cover the important things and none of that extra stuff that readers might care about, be interested in, or drawn in by! Really, this is the best thing for every website to do, especially websites that have a variety of interes