Kelly Cardigan

Chalk helps with grip, but the way that it helps can actually help you build a stronger grip by allowing you to go train longer and hold the bar (or another object) more tightly without providing an artificial support like straps.

The additional grip you get from chalk is primarily because it absorbs moisture and

These sports aren’t sticky enough. How am I going to stick to them? I’m not sticky, so the sports have to be.

I actually really enjoyed the look and feel of the game when I was playing it, but after a break and without the initial excitement about launch all the stuttering, objects popping into existence, visual bugs, gameplay bugs etc. just was too much for me. I’ve heard from several people that it’s getting better, though.


Now playing

Ah yes, adding things they said would be in the game at launch (player-driven economy), basic QoL stuff that should have been added after the beta (which wasn’t really a beta), and the camera/photo mode which had... a rough launch (video).

Of course you can climb up walls if they’re covered in honey! That’s just basic physics!

Unrelated to this article at all, I just learned that paper of record Splinter News [dot] Com is shuttering forever. What’s worse, it sounds like all of the writers and editors here are out of work unless they apply for jobs at other G/O Media websites, which is an evil and anti-labor downsizing tactic (good luck to

Now, now, Donald Trump has totally destroyed and obliterated the Economy of Turkey every Thanksgiving for like, 35 years. The Economy Turkey is a great deal and he always bargains the butcher down a few extra cents per pound! TOTALLY OBLITERATED!!!!

I lift in the morning. I have a pretty dialed-in food schedule that works for me on lifting days.

Typically eat 2 eggs, 150g cooked (short-grain) white rice, and 8oz of strawberry kefir. I’ll often throw whatever veggies I have kicking around into the bowl with the eggs, and sometimes I add natto.


I think the real question here is:
Is Mayor Pete actually Difficulty II?

These are the real questions that require serious investigative reporting to figure out!

Friendly reminder that the House has sent some absurd number (I heard 200+ but don’t know if that’s true) of bills to the Senate and Mitch McConnell has refused to take action on any of them.

The House is capable of pursuing legislation and impeachment at the same time, and in fact, they are! The Republican controlled

Tremendous lies. The most beautiful lies you’ve ever heard! The lies are so great you could even say they’re the truth. Some people are saying it!

He should definitely go with the face tattoo option. I’d imagine if he gets his initials someplace visible nobody will make this mistake again...

When I am doing olympic lifts and/or drills rest periods are spent watching the video of my form and noting what needs adjustment and/or on focus and visualization for my next set.

This. Don’t wipe barbells or dumbbell handles. It’s not good for them to get wiped with sanitizer all the time! The gym should clean them periodically as part of routine equipment maintenance (but... who knows with a lot of gyms).

Benches / mats / cardio equipment etc. — wipe it!

When that snek popped its head out of the bowl next to your hand it was just hoping for a snoot boop. Why would you deny the boop?!?!

TBH it might as well.

Can somebody convince the Q-Anon conspiracy people that Trump nominated Kavanaugh to serve on SCOTUS to push him into the limelight in order to ensure that he’d face justice for his serial sex offenses that he’d gotten away with up until now? That it’s really good guy Trump using his power to expose the criminals by

Now, don’t deadlift barefoot if it’s a gym you share with other people. That’s usually against the rules. But socks are fine.

This review is great! I am hyped for Iceborn even though I have to wait until next year!