Overlord is definitely a fun story that is surprisingly well-written for what it is! I don’t know that it’s “best of 2018" material for me, but I do like it!
Other stuff that is good, but not best-of-the-year good include:
Overlord is definitely a fun story that is surprisingly well-written for what it is! I don’t know that it’s “best of 2018" material for me, but I do like it!
Other stuff that is good, but not best-of-the-year good include:
I don’t know about this list. I am not going to pick it apart, but I feel like there were a decent number of solid anime in 2018.
Ehh, that’s really a second season, though. It’s still short form Aggretsuko, the episodes are longer than the original season but it’s not a whole new thing or a remake/reboot (like Devilman Crybaby). If we’re including second seasons and/or carryovers then where are Boku no Hero Academia (s3) and Ancient Magus Bride…
My entry is the Mothman from Fallout 76!
Life is long and tea offers the tea-drinker a range of experiences. In the morning, I may choose from one of the many varieties of black or green tea that our earth has created for us to enjoy.
When you log into the game, instead of hitting “Play” you hit “Social” in the main menu. Find anyone on your friends list, click on their name, and hit “Join” and it will put you on the same server as them.
You can call up the social menu at any time in-game as well (push escape for the map, then “z” for the main menu,…
Last but not least, when you move your camp, your items go into the “Stored” tab, not the “Blueprint” tab in the building menu. This is confusing, and the menu sucks. It took me and my partner messing around together a while to figure it out. When you move your camp, whatever was built is auto-blueprinted and those…
Also, for what it is worth, the article is just plain wrong about public workshops and player camps. If you join a group with another player you can fast travel to their camp for free, use their stuff, and build there.
If you are in a group and your teammate captures a public workshop, they get a free teleport there as…
I don’t know, I have run into TONS of fun, interesting player drama in this game. My clan dropped a nuke and were raiding a nuke zone with 3 full groups of our people, and ANOTHER clan came in with 3 full groups and attacked us while we were trying to kill monsters and farm materials and stuff. They did this because…
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal…
I desperately hope Cruz loses because I never want to have to look at or read about him and his Campbell’s Chunky devouring, tonsil stone-swallowing self ever again.
I am glad that they did not make the first black woman hero in Overwatch a notorious outlaw with a temper who gets her ass kicked by a handsome white-savior cowboy dude. That would have played... badly.
I very much would like to see more diversity in Overwatch. A black woman is very overdue in the cast, but I want a…
Counterpoint: I stayed up way too late this weekend because I was playing the Fallout 76 beta (and then talking about it on discord with all my pals all night) and thrashed my regular sleep schedule, and that extra hour shift enabled me to get back on track with zero issues. I had forgotten about DST entirely and it…