Wait. Memeing about guillotining rich people and talking about usurping the money of multimillionaires and billionaires to improve the welfare of the working masses are ELITIST ideas that ONLY THE RICH believe in?
Thank you for this piece, Nick. I have been disgusted by the entire discussion about Warren’s ‘Native American Heritage’ since it started in like 2016, and her recent actions have just been fucking racist. I hate even coming close to agreeing with Donald Trump about anything, but Warren is playing the part of the…
Anyone else disappointed that this article did not end with a jobs listing for GMG?
This is a good take. The whole point of bodywash is to give you less product at higher cost, while using significantly more environmentally damaging packaging (large plastic bottle vs. small cardboard box).
So was he on quaaludes when he delivered this speech or something? Why is his speech so stilted and slow?
I know this is a thing that has happened at other significant speeches he’s made, too. Does he take downers before important events so he doesn’t go off the rails? Is that why he was late this morning?
I DO hope Carol winds up with Chewie — if not in this movie, then at some point later on (Chewie would be OLD for a cat when she gets back to earth in A4, but that’s OK because, well, flerken...).
BUT — I hope we either don’t get any flerken reveals and that Chewie is just a cat (or so it seems), or if we do see some…
True enough.
I am just spreading the good word of McReaper lol
Sure, but McCree x Reaper (or rather, McCree x Reyes) is better and makes sense. McCree and Hanzo, so far as we know, don’t know each other.
Reaper (while still known as Gabriel Reyes), on the other recruited McCree into Overwatch, trained him extensively, and worked with him in an ultra high-stress top secret work…
Throwback time:
So what are players doing to show solidarity/support for Sylvanas, because... I want to do that.