ComplicatedBroad (nee kell)

You were just extremely flippant to a person whose sibling was having an extremely hard time after an unfair rule ruined his track career. Your comment served no purpose except to say that you're somehow a better person because you did not react that way after shit happened to you. You were self-serving and an

There are. They're called therapeutic schools, and my mom works at one. It pretty much takes the kids who have severe emotional and behavioral issues and puts them in a place where everyone is trained in child restraint, they have "break rooms" with no furniture that lock from the outside and lots of emotional

I don't think I ever said that anyone should be left to terrorize children and if you notice above I didn't say I disagreed with the expulsion. However, having worked with kids with behavioral issues I can't help but feel some sympathy for what the boy must be gong through to behave the way he does. It's fine for us

it doesn't matter if it was part of a gallery. It shouldn't have been included. The caption is beyond despicable.

She must be one heck of a lady to have this many people come up with the idea, figure it all out, practice it and show up to perform for her. What a wonderful tribute to someone who is so deeply loved.

I'd like to think that they had the best party ever after this performance. After my mom's funeral service, when people came back to house, all I could think was, "Man, my mom would have loved this."

That may be true, but it doesn't really address the fact that hooters is perpetuating the idea that a split second display of sexuality is the same thing as consenting to sex. This picture with the caption says that if a woman invites you to interact with her vagina or makes out with you or gives you a blowjob, that

Look, I probably wouldn't pose like that either but I don't judge her for doing it and I don't think it excuses captioning it as it has been captioned. This sort of thing (and you, I'm sorry to say) reinforces the idea that bad girls deserve whatever happens to them - that pointing at your vagina means you are happy

I've worked with children that age who have said similar or worse things. It's awful. You want them to stop and you also want them not to have experienced whatever they may have experienced to get to that point.

How on earth do you know this? I agree, if this child is homicidal and violent towards peers, he should be in a therapeutic environment. But I am most definitely not taking one parent's allegations as definitive fact.

I see a handful of people claiming that the photo in question is from a porn. I'm not going to do the research to find out if that is accurate. However, I doubt that the caption is from said porn. Additionally, even if this is a porn actress, this does not automatically indicate she (or anyone else) was "asking for

Okay, so let me sum it up for you.

Again, no. I went into the hearing to get a EOOP against my mother's ex, with my mom, and the only evidence was my mother's testimony and my testimony. Nothing else.

Strong solid evidence is not typical of an OOP, because if there was strong solid evidence, then you'd have the person in jail. I highly doubt the

I think expulsion for a kindergartner might be a bit much. I think an evaluation and possible placement in a special ed class for behavioral issues would be better, honestly. Expelling the kid won't help him learn better.

I work in education and will agree that it's common for this stuff to begin at home. However, it's actually not far fetched to say this kid has serious psych issues, that may have truly nothing to do with home or mom and dad. The instance in that kind of thing, (emotionally disturbed kids, or kids exhibiting psychotic

An emergency restraining order (or order of protection) is not hard to get. The court tends to trust the alleged victim, and the alleged perpetrator is not usually at the hearing. I know this because I've gotten one before. With restraining orders there is usually a presumption of guilt, and it rests on the alleged

Fight to get a kindergartner expelled? Um, no. Getting your child transferred to another classroom (or this child transferred) is all you should be concerned about. If the allegations are true, this is likely a child with significant issues, who needs to be a structured environment with support services. Which

I'm right there with ya. My knee-jerk reaction was, "Oh for fuck's sake, you're not special, wear a bra like the rest of us!"

i cant stand her. trashy is the appropriate word. i dont think trashy means slutty; to me it means something more along the lines of tasteless. but that's just me, and that is why i cant really care for her