ComplicatedBroad (nee kell)

No, Mr Boston is way worse. Trust!

I really wish this comment was higher in the queue. It's a VERY important distinction!

I just went to Google for both, and in my first EVAR main-page comment, I will encourage everyone to PLEASE look at Cyntoia's situation. It is beyond heartbreaking and well into enraging.

Please check with another attorney. I just talked to a close lawyer friend & his take was VERY different. BEST of everything to you!!

My takeaway is that you're from Seattle. Figures. ;)

Thank you!! In the US (only place I have knowledge), if he had documentation of relevant anxiety, he could have gone to the dean/student services to request protection under Section 504. No guarantee of what accommodations that would allow, but that is the appropriate path. I find it really hard to believe that Canada

I actually disagree that it's your generation, because when I was in college 20ish years ago, the same thing would have happened. It just wasn't as publicized/viral as it can be now, and people would've been more likely to take the side of this guy. At least now there's pushback, often from other millennials.

Thank you. Bookmarked so I can pass it on! The links are especially great.

Beautiful. Also saved for future attributed use. ;)

Sorry if this has already been suggested but how about #fuckyeahcoke as an alternative??