
You realize that was an intentional manipulative comment right? He didn't slip up and call her that by accident. He was trying to color the jury's perspective of her. He wanted them to see her as a helpless, vulnerable child to get them riled up and pissed off. (Sidenote: she was helpless and vulnerable - no doubt

Nearly ALL celebrity Make-A-Wish requests get turned down. MAW specifically tells families not to make requests like this because of the high likelihood they won’t be fulfilled. From what I can tell, Ina had to turn down the requests because they conflicted with a book tour and other pre-scheduled events. As you can

Don’t stomp on my heritage sir, I’ll have a coke, and make it Mr Pibb.

Yep, it’s pretty standard in the south. I was visiting my brother in Virginia a few years ago. I asked my nephew for a Coke, and he said, “What kind?” I told him I wanted “the red kind.”

It’s big in the South.


There is no simple answer but here’s what I do know: white people are more likely to take other white people seriously. Call your racist grandfather out (I’m speaking hypothetically, not personally). Call your racist aunt out. Call your racist friend out. They are more likely to listen to you than me because they look

Someone on Jez recently said having a kid is like raising a dog who eventually talks, and it's so true (in the best way)! They come out of you unable to do jack shit, and then when they start to understand words and communicate like a human person it's mind blowing. "You're talking?! You used to be a lump! I love

Here's my question - why did nobody go back and edit this after the fact? They could have simply altered it to appear that Pullam was fired for leading the losing team - which happens a lot. Why leave this in now that its clear that Pullam might have had VERY good reasons for not calling Cosby?

Did y'all know that March of Dimes began as a campaign for donations to the campaign to eradicate polio? People sent tons and tons of dimes to the FDR White House?! I learned this in the excellent Polio: An American Story.

I'm sitting here reading this literally in tears, because I just had a "discussion" with Mr. M about how it would be nice if I could have one day where I didn't feel like I worked for 18 hours without a break and have nothing to show for it other than a messy house and a career that feels permanently off-track.

My kids saw me dusting the mantle once, and no lie, my son's eyes lit up and he said "Ooh, yay! Are friends coming over?"

Holy. Shit. "Look at Me" was so scary I realized at the end I was sitting with my hands covering my mouth, feeling like I was about to hurl. And I'm sitting in a lit office, with my coworkers benignly chatting nearby,

Found his LinkedIn, and he looks like the tooliest tool that ever was a tool. Fuck this guy.

This is amazing.