
I used to read her blog religiously, too, but there was something about her TV show that totally turned me off. It’s hard to pinpoint what it is. You’ll just have to watch for yourself.

My grandfather, who was a brick mason and farmer (and maybe Indiana Jones?). I wish I remembered more about him. He passed away when I was eight years old.

I'm sorry you're having to deal with this. Love your attitude. <3

YES! When I waited tables, I once had a lady tell me that not enough of her curly fries were curly. She'd eaten half of them and wanted more of the curly ones. I've also had someone say their fries were cold after they'd been on the table for 15 minutes. I promise we served more than fries, but those are just the two

I think you're right...on both counts. :)

Yeah, I beg to differ, as well. When we bought my 21 month old some new sneakers, he didn't want to take them off and ended up wearing them out of the store. The next day when his teacher walked into the room at daycare, he pointed to hie feet and said, "Shoes!" He's also refused to put on a certain shirt before. So I

Did she have on the hat?

I have a high deductible plan, one that does not require copays. Does this mean that my birth control will simply be free?

Kegels make me feel like I can't breathe. I have to consciously breathe in and out when I do them. Am I the only weirdo who has this problem?