
‘tis the drink of the region here. i’ve been drinking it since i moved here 5 years ago. at first it’s fine but then i start to get worried about the thing used to dye it orange. it can’t be could for you?

wat, i thought it was all flashbacks where Meryl’s character is young (and played by that other younger actress) and then Cher is her mother.

i’ve read that bamboo is the next big thing but i can’t get my hands on any reasonably priced bamboo here. and linen is a local fiber for me.


and, his russian actually kinda sounded russian! maybe it’s precicely because he has had to do a lot of accents for a long time.. Keri’s russian? yea no

We went to the Jewish museum and spent like 5 hours in there.
I also attempted to eat all the Syrian baklava but failed (I’m just a beginner in baklava, but i like the Syrian variety more - it’s less sweet than Greek one and is heavily into rose water(oil?))

wasn’t it supposed to be bad for yer teeth?


probably not available in Europeland.

that striding lady is appealing to me, a queer woman.
that tight jacket and pants and and hat and tie *fans self*

ha! i bought a bottle of.. some sort of local whiskey on a vacation trip and did not try it beforehand. and yes, it tastes like mold. and i was wondering if it was supposed to taste like that or was my bottle off somehow. because other whiskeys i have drunk did not taste like mold.

Dua Lipaaaa!

i’ve heard that everything’s bigger in Texas

yea, there was a local movie theater shut down for a while because the seats were infested (with bedbugs i imagine)

I like how Wills looks a bit like a young Philip (Matt Smith) in The Crown.

wasn’t this already a thing with ‘policeman’ a (many?) few decades ago and they’ve already gotten over it?

here we get George the Pipe (for a plumber) and, to a lesser extent, George the Lock (for a locksmith) and neither of these people are actually named George. for a more neutral ‘plumber’, it’s ‘pipeman’ basically. firefighter is firefighter tho.

we had distant relatives in Ukraine but they said fuck this and moved to Estonia after the disaster. i once saw some reconstructed weather models that show the movement of rain clouds across Europe after the disaster and you can see how they do a neat little circle around Estonia, meanwhile fish in some Swedish (or