
karu-kahr-karhu in Finnic dialects is a more recent word for bear, meaning hair(y)(?)/rugged/rough. (a) previous word is thought to have been something that gives us the rather common names Ott and Otso today. having read up on kennings, I wouldn’t say karu is a kenning because the purpose for the noun substitution


yes sami squeaky cheese and coffee is delicious. the finnish word for that particular cheese is juustoleipä.. or leipäjuusto, dependig who you ask.

i stil want a gay royal wedding

nutmeg! but like, if you haven’t put nutmeg in your mashed potatoes before, start really small.

is it me or is Rutina Wesley quoting Nabokov’s Lolita ? I mean, sure, the character has a.. passion.. for Lolita and you might.. appreciate.. the poetry.. of that passage, but quoting it at your adult aged significant other? is this supposed to be romantic?

I had an itchy spot on the back of my head for awhile, didn’t think anything of it. Sure i had been frolicking in the grass all over the place in june. then i went out and got plastered one friday in july (the local bubbly is made by the devil), woke up to a hangover from hell. recovered and went to another party the

it’s been my desktop for awhile now. such soothing colours.

there better be lesbians in it

Bollinger <3

I want to take this outfit swing dancing tonite! the model lady is also very welcome to join us.

<3 linen sheets

good old Aarne Thompson

I want a royal gay wedding.

Elron is a passenger train company in Estonia. they have these orange trains that people call carrots.

omg the elevators in this workplace. like, if you’re closest to the door get the fuck out, jesus!

My workplace is huge and multinational. apart from a bunch of large mononational translation units it’s the French that make up the majority in every department and also our little team. tho they’re mostly aware of My People’s ‘coldness’ and preference of touching as little as possible, i and other female colleagues

There’s a rape scene in LOEV. just putting it out there.

the Nutcracker