
The Niners have won seven of their 39 games since firing Jim Harbaugh as head coach, including their last 10 games at home.

I don’t agree. At those angles and those speeds, how can a defender put himself in a position to make a tackle (or force the QB to need to slide) and avoid opening himself to that exact penalty? I’m not someone who longs for the old days. I’m just pointing out there is an inherent problem with that play. It’s a no-win

I mean he slides late. Kiko didn’t have to lower his shoulder into him but if Flacco doesn’t want to get hit slide when you are 4 yards away from a charging defender not 2.

I’m not saying it’s appropriate. But he’s clearly not well, likely suffering from dementia, and has no sense of boundaries anymore. I’d hold those around him in charge of his care more accountable. Time to stop putting him in these situations and let the matter, and hm, die.

This is one of the greatest posts ever

Diagonal, pointing toward the middle of the document? Or rotated 90 degrees from that?



I know most won’t consider bowling a “real” sport. I won’t argue that, not while it’s apparent that one can be inebriated and overweight while performing at a high level...HOWEVER, a 900 is the stuff of legend. Tip of the hat to that guy.

You left out Rudy Gobert’s response:

Claim your prize at customer service on your way out the door, Jeff.

It creates a truly authentic NFL experience when the fans can get CTE as well.

Sad story but when ranking climbs, I still think the most famous climb involving a Kennedy was when Jackie climbed onto the back of the limo in Dallas back in ‘63.

Is it not Mintch Trubisky?

Can we just skip to the Cleveland-Houston series? Please?

I’d actually argue that Walker is also “world-class” as far as his position goes.

Sounds like every England match I’ve ever seen. We’re a few months away from the English media’s classic pivot from ‘England scrape by against shitty team, why is this team so terrible?’ to ‘England favourites for World Cup, haven’t lost in 18 months!’ which is then followed by ‘England crash out of World Cup in

OK. I now associate you with disseminating the Erin Andrews peephole video or suggesting in a deposition that the cutoff age for posting a sex tape is 4 years old. Hope that’s cool and a reasonable understanding of the material here at Dead Spin dot com.

Not really.

They are just looking for someone more cultured.

If you’re honestly associating anything the guys on Pardon My Take do with anything else that happens at Barstool, you’re clearly ignorant to the subject.