
Eight Men Out?


thots and prayers

Whatever you say, Billy.

He’s a Spurs fan — of course he just wanted to have some skin in the game.

Andrew Toles was supposed to be in a big role as well.

I agree with your first sentence. That being said, those at the Nuremberg Trials killed people. Jumping to draw a parallel there is a bit of a stretch considering there was no real choice for German soldiers in those specific areas of their military unlike ICE agents today.

Nice try at sympathy, Lavar.

Arroyo in left would be great if he can play out there and keep producing as he is now at 3A

In an ideal world, they’re set up that way.

I was a big fan of the Fiduciary Rule being brought into effect, but it never got there. To imply anything ever changed (or the rule had been there) is incredibly misleading. It wasn’t even supposed to take effect until April 10th. By all means though, continue to misinform.

the reality is that the actions of any given president are only one factor among many that determine the direction of stocks, and the wider economy as a whole. But nuance has never been Donald Trump’s strong suit.

What a fucking brutal and misleading headline.

Hot take.

Mine usually goes back on my foot.


Because some kid’s 529 plan wasn’t going to get funded for the next year if the basket counted.

Not the finish the Chargers were hoping for.

I’m not disagreeing that him not having a gun obviously saved lives. I’m all for more stringent gun control laws.