
I hate how nice this looks and I hate how I kinda want one.

Thankfully it was blurred out on the Japanese broadcast, so no one at home saw how dreadful it truly was.

The offensive player cannot enter the crease area to score. Entering is putting a body part onto the floor, so jumping in and releasing (or punching) the ball before you hit the ground is OK.

Trouble With the Perv

Take your star and GTFO.

If these are assists, then all inbounds passes are assists.


This is quite a shock, since there has been virtually no substance at ESPN for many years now.

I’m just going to say it:

When traveling on the London Underground (or The Tube as we like to call it) it is NOT necessary to wait for the gates to close before holding your oyster card on the yellow reader until it beeps. Realistically you’re only saving seconds on your journey but as a Londoner it becomes quite grating getting held up behind

Oyster pass load it up. Tap on and tap off. Get the Citymapper app. Do not be intimidated to ride public transportation. Buy a UK sim card with a data plan and use Google maps. UK cell service is much better and cheaper than US. When at your destination, Walk Walk Walk is the best way to to get to know the area you

I thought the rules were changed and you needed a doctors note or prescription to use your FSA money on things like aspirin.

Moon’s attorney will undoubtedly claim that sleeping under the same blankets is entirely normal, with the hope Haskell’s attorney doesn’t know the best way to attack the cover-two defense is to split the seams. 

The appropriate way to use an FSA is to primarily use it for predictable expenditures. If you are healthy and don’t have monthly prescriptions or regular appointments for other health issues, then you probably don’t need an FSA

Golf, c’est fou pour toute le monde. Pour un homme avec des fardeaux Tiger? C’est une folie totale.

I am internet commenting on a blog post about an email referencing a tweet which leaked info about a Youtube tab.

At least I’m not wasting my entire fucking life over here.

Not one to be outdone, LaVar Ball has decided that his next child will be named LaBall Ball.

Did you hear that? All the Phillies are going to be masturbating with coconut oil next season.

I don’t mind family style in some cases, but what’s the deal with the brother-in-law a) doing all of the ordering and, b) ordering far too little of it to satisfy anybody?? You do family style so you can crowd source that meal and have so much damn food that nobody can walk properly when they leave.