Keith Young

Aren't comics supposed to be funny?

It's been around a LOT longer than Goldeneye. Hell, "inverted" controls were standard on Apple //e games that I played in 1984.

Yes, after scrolling down through the majority of it, a comment was necessary.

Except brain cells. Stop enabling superstitious people.

I got about 2/5ths of the way through this steaming pile of shit and had to give up. All this guy knows how to do is insult other people who are infinitely more successful than he is. What a worthless waste of a minute of my time.

It seems this a failure.

There's a reason these people have to publish on the internet...they're terribly unfunny.

Then you know little to nothing about game development.

JRPGs have always been the bastard cousin to real RPG games. JRPGs exist because of the difficulty developers had in translating over the RPG games of the day - Wizardry, Ultima, Bard's Tale, etc. Yes, those games had releases on the NES, but they just didn't play right with a controller. So the JRPG was born - a

I'm surprised this hasn't been shut down by Lucasfilm for copyright infringement.

They still get to control the distribution. It's not confusing if you keep in mind the concept that the copyright holder gets to tell you how, when, and where you get to view the material they own. (sorry for the delay in responding, I had major surgery on Wednesday)

Best. Comment. EVER.

I have never seen that during any game I have played.

If it was illegally uploaded (uploaded by someone other than the copyright holder) then it would be illegal to download.

"I hate math."

I'm naming my son Alduin. :-)

The music hasn't been released on the official soundtrack, so you take it upon yourself to violate copyright and create a video for it and distribute it online? Interesting concept. What other laws do you routinely break, Kirk?

Rarely are any of these funny. This week is no exception. While these people can draw, they can't write worth a crap and their sense of humor is sophomoric at best.
