Keith Young

I’m playing this game as a way to relax during the Stay-At-Home order, so I see no reason to blast through the opening days of the game. It’s great as it is, no reason to go breaking the game by visiting the past and then fast-forwarding into the future.

I’m just taking this game as it comes to me...and I love it, even

“Also I hope Riot won’t go as far as copyrighting everything that’s SKT related.”

They don’t HAVE to do anything - copyright attaches at creation. Any League footage is their property...or the property of their licensee (Azubu).

The copyright system isn’t broken. The knowledge of laypeople about the copyright system

And “hold’s”, too! I think this is a violation of the Geneva Conventions that criminalize apostrophe abuse.

“he play’s”? Seriously? Are there no editors who read these articles?

I thought you were going to discuss REAL RPGs and not the horrible Japanese programs that people erroneously think are games.

When will people learn to not misappropriate the intellectual property of others?

Tecmo Bowl Bo Jackson NEEDS to be in this game.

There’s a PERFECT place for a Legendary Pokemon in Ohio.

Cedar Point.

As an attorney, I’ll gladly take these players’ money to sue Blizzard. Sure, they’re going to lose...but I’ll get paid.

No. With user-generated content the host usually has no liability.

UFC - Ultimate Fallout Championship. :D

I’m a lawyer as well. :D You’re going to have a hard time proving any fraud or deceptive trade practice based on that advertisement alone.

It’s advertising...this is expected in advertising. In legal terms, it’s puffery.

I spent near that on Star Wars:The Force Awakens in 3D.

People spend $18 for a 2 hour movie...why is $18 for a 3 hour game expensive?

No, that would be them trying to trademark the word “Video”, which would never work. “Reacts”, in the case of a video like this, is a descriptive trademark which makes it more difficult to register. Even though they tried it doesn’t mean that the trademark would’ve been granted.

The issue isn’t “copycats” - you can’t

A Trademark doesn’t give you exclusive rights to an idea, just the NAME that you give it. Tide Detergent doesn’t mean that P&G is the only company that can make a detergent, it just means that “Tide” can only be used by them in regards to a detergent. In this case, it would’ve given the holders the right to use the

Those morons don’t even know the difference between Trademark and Copyright...

Egregious to threaten to subpoena? They asked you to give them information. If they don’t get it, they’ll go the legal route to obtain it. It’s not egregious in the slightest - it’s common practice. It’s one of the nice perks about being a lawyer - subpoena power is helpful in these situations.

Those aren’t real words - it’s Japanese.