Keith Young

Jack Wall is an accomplished video game composer. I'd trust a soundtrack by Wall infinitely more than a soundtrack by Reznor.

I LOVE Mass Effect. I love Dark Souls. And I have my pre-order for Madden 13 paid off already.

Lemmings was only published by Psygnosis. The developer of Lemmings was DMA Design, now known as Rockstar North. Yeah, the same people who make Grand Theft Auto.

It always amazes me that there are people who think that suing (or, even worse, starting a petition) over an exclusive license will do any good. Should I offer my services to Kotaku as their resident lawyer? ;-) You certainly seem to need one...

best cast?

It would be quite illegal to pirate the second version.

*shutter*? What does a window covering or a part of a camera have to do with this?

There is no advantage. The passing game in Backbreaker is horrendous and the games camera makes it practically unplayable.

I'll give this about 48 hours to stay online, then the NFL and NFLPA will slap a C&D on this website. It's amazing how people think they can get away with blatant violations of the law such as this.

Hopefully never.

Incorrect. In the vast majority of jurisdictions in the US, software purchased on disc is a sale, not a license. You own that specific copy of the game/program and can dispose of it any way you wish as long as you stay within the law. The EULA is null-and-void in most cases in the US, which is why used game stores

No. 100 people can be joined in a single suit. It's not large enough for a class action.

Except that the number of people affected wouldn't be so large to require a class action - it should be easy enough to name each individual on a suit. Class action would be out of the question.

There's very little chance that a Kickstarter project could be a Ponzi Scheme.

It's not as bad as you make it out to be, Morgan, but at least he's intelligent enough to not use a birth defect that afflicts hundreds of thousands of Americans as an insult.

So, do you have Rockstar's permission to create this derivative work, or are you just flaunting your blatant violation of copyright law?

The Oklahoma City Thunder are going to win the Western Conference. I'm calling it. ;-)

Spider-Man, Wolverine, AND Storm have been members of The Avengers at some point.

To me, Adam West is Batman, as he was the Batman of my childhood. You should never have had your Kevin Conroy if they had stayed true to the character and kept West's voice.

My wedding was on Halloween. It was a costume wedding, Halloween decor, trick-or-treating from table to table...a blast. :-)