They probably meant that it was her idea to wear it, not her design. :) Nice job on it though.
They probably meant that it was her idea to wear it, not her design. :) Nice job on it though.
The Governor of Rhode Island had NOTHING to do with the loan. There is a separate semi-public corporation that gave out the loans, and the director of that corporation has resigned. But, hey, never let facts get in the way of a rant, right?
Psygnosis is now SCE Studio Liverpool. But Psygnosis didn't develop Destruction Derby, they just published it. Reflections developed it. Reflections is now part of Ubisoft.
Number 4 looks VERY Mass Effect, IMHO.
Inter-title PlayStation Fight. IP Fight. Much better than Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale.
EXCELLENT job on that video. I'm no Call of Duty fan, but that was 11 minutes of pure entertainment.
Their likenesses are licensed through the NFLPA, so the players have no say in it (as long as they are in the union). These group licenses are why Bill Belichick isn't in the game (he's not part of the NFL Coaches Club). It's a lot easier to negotiate than separate licenses for every single player.
As a lawyer, I can see the importance of trademarks and copyrights.
Interestingly enough, my wife HATES Uncharted/New Worlds. Not because of the music, but because I was playing the game while she was sleeping and she associates the music with the nightmare she was having at the time. :)
The Pittsburgh Steelers did something similar this year - near the end of the last regular season game, they threw a shovel pass to Hines Ward that was caught behind the line of scrimmage and gained few yards. They did not call this play to gain yardage - they called it to get Hines 1,000 receptions in his career…
You're not the only one - hell, most of the ones featured in this Kotaku article are HORRIBLY unfunny. That's one problem with the internet, there's no quality control with what gets published.
"Does "the best woman" depend on cup size? " Yes.
The only theme that matters is Neil Hefti's.
First of all, the EA Terms of Use isn't a EULA - it's a contract to use their online servers. Second of all, arbitration clauses are used ALL the time, although, in a contract of adhesion, the contract's terms will be interpreted in favor of the party that didn't write the contract. It's a pretty good bet that this…
It violates 17 USC 1201(a)(1)(A). It is illegal.
Love the Alan Parsons album cover in the background! GREAT job!
The TARDIS psychically translates alien languages.
You've never been to a "cook-your-own" steakhouse, have you?
I feel bad for the writers underneath this "editor", as the style of this article is way too conversational and poorly constructed. Anytime you have to write "What I'm driving at is this", then you aren't communicating your points well. You could tell there's an interesting and humourous story buried underneath the…
@BeefSupreme: Pinbot is available on Pinball Hall of Fame:The Williams Collection.