
Foul ball? More like foul call. Am I right guys? Anyone?

Will that 10 million be in singles?

Should have pivotted to the troops. Can’t call that deplorable.

Ken Bone was a false flag operation by the deep state designed to make the American people think that it was fine being undecided so late into the 2016 election.

How fucking deluded is Jones? Ugh.

Bloom dipped her toe in only to find a nude Harvey Weinstein waiting. How upsetting.

Now playing

Sounds like it may be getting hot in there.

Goodbye thing that in used in the early 2000s. Please take TRL with you.

Where I come from those are fighting words.

That was the good idea? How much does it cost to see the rejected ads?

Serious question. I have no idea who Fantano is or what his videos are like, so what specifically is wrong with this article?

Wisconsin just wants to hold out until there is a season 2 guaranteed by Netflix.

Wait Weeden isn’t starting anywhere? No wonder I was able to get so easily in my fantasy draft... Looks like another losing year for good ol’ Fat_Elf.

Good to know your voice doesn’t mean shit if you are a nobody.

What a wonderful group people Kentucky can count as fans.

But are the golf courses okay? ARE THEY?

Any chance that O.J. will try an live an anonymous life? Personally, I doubt it.

If he wasn’t before, that guy is going to be blindsided

It is always a bit weird being somewhat happy that folks like Monty live so long, but then to be suddenly saddened by the fact that only learning of the death is what led to knowing they had been still alive.

Well he was entertaining The Beautiful People of New York