
This is just like the nightmare I have where a Bob’s Big Boy comes alive and beats the shit out of everyone. Spooky.

In related news, until very recently Monty Hall was still alive...

Rotten Tomatoes really needs a marketing push to explain what they do. People seem to not understand that it’s an aggregate site, not a reviewer...

Daddy Quest sounds like a RPG  game that should have been available in the early/mid 90s 

Are we sure that just isn’t a guy cos playing as Jay Leno from the Simpsons?

It looks like that Playboy lifestyle finally caught up to Hugh. RIP.

Cut to Hookstead winning all the awards for participation in journalism.

Next week will the Cowboys bring a fence on to the field and literally straddle it?

I was thinking San Francisco Penguins, not Rockies. What an idiot. Now hold my microscope.

Huckabee-Sanders is half hamburger, so the press corps should just get it over with and grill her already. No onions please.

“We’ll continue to be guided by these fundamental principles...”

Is this the closest to Newt’s moon colony we will get?

Are we positive that there wasn’t a Spinal Tap moment happening with Decker trying to find the tunnel?

Let us take a minute and reflect inwardly. How do you really feel?

I hope this means that we will be able to see Teen Mom 2 Unplugged.

It was the episode with The Birthday Boys.