
Thank you.

Yes, and the justification I have is the Ode to Joy ad campaign they had about 20 years ago. They are monsters.  

1. A tie between - The Geo Group and CoreCivic (Formally Corrections Corporation of America)

This just proves the penis mightier than the sword.

Are the best words still considered the best when they are lies?

He is up for reelection in 2020, so who knows what will happen between then and now. I doubt this will drive him from office in terms of a resignation.

Doing that to the troops. *smh*

Follow these 3 simple steps:

Those allegations we’re a real Game Change(r)

Hell hath no fury like a Kathy Griffin scorned.

“classic employee stuff...” Will now be my response when I have to deal with incident reports at work.

Fake women!

Great concept idea for a newer Veronica Mars run...

Finally my problem with brick and mortar is addressed. Before it was always me trespassing, now a company can be the one trespassing. The future is now.

Couple more games and let the riots begin.

Any guesses what the title will be? My guess is — I won’t Stand for this...

*slow clap*

What a turn around from yesterday. Congrats to Kiké, and with a few more wins Dodgers will be champs once again.

In regards to the punch I think Peep Show said it best.