
Oh yeah, there are a crazy amount of trans people in metro areas. Like, I went to Kenosha Pride last weekend. Despite being tiny event compared to Milwaukee/Chicago there were a surprising number of trans people who showed up. I thought I was one of just a few in my area, so even my head was blown way open when I

The voice.

Where’s the damn problem?

KILL THEM WITH FIRE. They always spray the goddamn seat and never wipe it off afterwards.

If they transitioned fairly early in life you might not be able to tell. In fact, I might be trans! The transfolk are calling from inside the house!

If I followed the news accurately, so far bathroom bills are affecting gender nonconforming cis-women and not really anyone else. There’s some horror stories about actions done to cis-women who dare to have short hair and not look femme. Strangely, the fact that the people supposedly in need of protection are being

I just got back from a trip overseas. I stayed in a hostel in Belgium, which featured a unisex bathroom - quite common in Europe. Urinal on one side, stall with a door on the other. On more than one occasion I was in the stall peeing while a guy was at the urinal peeing. Did anybody care? Nope. Just flush and wash

Yup, what happens when Lance Beardo-McBiceps has to go to the ladies? Little Suzie’s going to be a lot less confused about the slightly taller lady, than the full bearded man

What are the odds that he does a “Crying Game” scene when he sees her post?


“I was going to dress up as a woman and go into that ladies room to rape and murder all the little girls, but I’m not allowed in there!”

I’m not sure how to put this delicately, but I just kinda assumed that given his circumstance, Abbott wore his bathroom wherever he went...

Stephen Miller is known to be a racist, evil piece of shit. Laughing at him is OK. If he wasn’t famous this post would have a completely different meaning, and poor pathetic friendless dateless loser Stephen Miller would be better off ignored.

If you can literally throw a 60 lb bag-o-stuff over a wall that tall, I say you should get away with it. #fuckthisguy


Again with that “Have an open conversation” shit...

There absolutely is extra labor. Taking 9 different items and packaging them individually into 9 different containers is not the same as dropping them into a bowl or a burrito shell. If you don’t understand this, congratulations on never having actually made or served food in your entire fuckin life, but it’s not

$2 dollars is too much to sit at a table you don’t have to clean, eat food you didn’t have to prepare or carry to your seat, off dishes you don’t have to wash. If you think a job isn’t worth what you pay for it, then you have the simple option of not engaging someone’s labor to do it instead of being an leech.

I’m going with “fucking asshole” - these are the same douchebags that order absolutely everything “on the side” when sitting down at a restaurant, and then order shit that isn’t on the menu and get pissy with the staff over it. Hey there Meg Ryan, your fucking sandwich isn’t on the menu so fuck off already you high

People need to stop calling special orders “hacks” since you’re not actually increasing efficiency, especially in this case where you’re not only delaying the line for the other patrons but increasing the order time for the staff which makes them look bad and increasing your environmental footprint with all your extra