
The press is SUPPOSED to be adversarial. That’s the whole point of freedom of the press in the first place - an adversarial press played a huge role in gaining our independence, and the founders had every intention of the press continuing to hold the government accountable.

“Knowing Trump, you’d think he’d demand someone much more famous than Wolf.”

Perhaps we could start by not talking as though Wolf is a journalist.

But hopefully RBG, Sotomayor and Kagan would get a head’s up that it would be a great night for girl’s night at Applebee’s.

“Trump said it in a private conversation. There is a big difference.”

True, hard news stories should not use hyperbole. Analysis and commentary, however, are another matter entirely. Since this falls into that category, it’s not inappropriate.

Victimless crimes that they’re forced into by necessity in order to put food on the table and a roof over their heads.

Apparently “I was here first so it’s all mine” only applies when said by white Europeans.

There ya go, making suggestions that would actually work *and* make the world a better place...

Yeah, um, you know that ‘dead body’ isn’t synonymous with ‘violent crime,’ right? I’m just spitballing here, but I think there’s an outside possibility that drowning is gonna be a bit of an issue in Houston for a while.

I wonder whether I’ll ever get out of the gray {sob}...

Yeah, but he didn’t find the body and tell the cops. He found the cops who were dealing with the body.

Pretty much. Call me silly, but I can see a difference between stealing groceries and walking out with a new 54" TV.

Do you have a particular number of times you have to copy/paste that remark before you’ll stop?

The thing is, anything that causes even a few minutes of extra congestion impedes the evacuation. Ever seen how traffic can back up for miles because of one slow car? Now imagine stopping every car that comes through for even a few minutes, while there are thousands of cars trying to get past that one point.

I’m basically glow-in-the-dark white, and Jezebel generally makes me want to punch someone in the throat. I can’t imagine how it would feel as a POC.  

I have to admit, one of my favorite Grammy moments of all time was her duet with Stevie Nicks, when Nicks neatly wiped the floor with her un-autotuned ass. Such a wonderful moment of “Stand back, you whiny child, and watch how a *real* singer does it.”

You’re leaving out the minor detail that the police had closed the intersection for the marchers, although rational people might believe that someone driving a 2-ton death machine might reasonably be expected *not* to drive it into a crowd of people even without the police around to say, “Hey, don’t do that.”

That’s Reginald Denny.

But ya gotta admit, it’s a pretty catchy little phrase.