
Let’s set aside the fact that you apparently have absolutely no idea how the DACA program works or what its purpose is. In your mind, applying and qualifying for the appropriate program that allows her to remain in the country legally isn’t doing the right thing?

I’m just spit-balling here, but is there any possibility that you were called a Nazi sympathizer and a Nazi enabler because you went out of your way to create imaginary examples of people being called Nazis, and then made excuses for all those ‘good people’ that were just marching with Nazis in Charlottesville?

I laughed entirely too hard at that.

I can see it requiring some major re-writes to tax code and many government policies, but if someone’s crazy enough to want more than one spouse, why should I care?

For some reason, the ‘sex doll’ part is far more disturbing than the notion that she’s theoretically sentient.

“When you get free employees you don’t really have to pay why would you have the same jobs outside where you would have to pay them at least minimum wage?” Exactly. I remember seeing an article years ago talking about the inmates making license plates under the guise of “we’re teaching them job skills”. No, the state

That’s his look of wide-eyed astonishment.

No, if we’re going to go for historical accuracy (which I’m pretty sure should be the point), it really *isn’t* correct to say that maintaining slavery was the sole purpose, just like it isn’t correct to say that all Union troops were abolitionists or that Lincoln went to war to eliminate slavery. Part of the problem

And when was the last time you ran down to the county courthouse for that history lesson?

Trust me, I’m not making an effort to defend Kansas because Brownbackistan is a hellpit of stupidity, but it’s probably fair to note that in 2016, the Koch party took a big hit in the state legislature.

But even if you don’t specifically put in those elements, deviating too far from canon risks completely alienating the one sure demographic for any movie based on comics/graphic novels - the fans of the source material itself. They’re people that really *want* to see that specific story done well on screen, and

I can’t remember - did MLK do most of his stripping in Atlanta or Selma?

“Here’s the crux of the problem: the market research on moviegoers and Blu-ray purchasers says the opposite is true. In fact many of the arts are grappling with this problem; financial support of the arts is overwhelmingly white.”

But that’s a circular argument. ‘Mainstream’ movies have overwhelmingly targeted white

Seriously? You’re gonna strike a blow for wypipo everywhere and that lame ass shit is the best you can come up with?

It didn’t start the day after his inauguration.

We had a frequent flier who called regularly because the Martians living next door would mess up her cable reception when they used their ray machine to send messages home. I’d put her on hold for a few minutes, do whatever else needed to get done, then tell her that I’d called them and reminded them not to use the

Pretty much. It probably took the cop about 3 seconds to realize that there is absolutely nothing that can be said to this person to make her believe anything other than that she’s a victim, so what’s the point of even trying in a situation where it’s not going to make a difference anyway? No one is going to be making

But only if they remember to make those little ramp-y cut-throughs with the knobbly bricks. I mean, we want to be ADA compliant.

This seems like a much more rational system than circles.

I thought Kansas had really secured a spot at the top of the pile of cray-cray when they passed the font bill, but the competition is certainly fierce this year.