
When Trump talks, all I can think of is the Steve Martin routine about playing a practical joke on your toddler by talking funny around him so that when he goes to school for the first time, instead of asking to go to the bathroom he says, “May I mambo dogface on the banana patch?”

He was interrupting, as you put it, in an effort to get Miller to answer the actual answer rather than allowing him to deflect off-topic. That’s what a reporter is *supposed* to do. They’re not the administration’s personal stenographers, and they’re not there to just blindly parrot whatever the administration throws

It amazes me to see how many people will happily admit to being so dense that they don’t understand that Acosta was questioning the disconnect between what we’ve spent a hundred years proclaiming are “American values” and what this administration is actually doing.

I’m not your girlfriend, I’m not your camp counselor, and I’m not your sixth-grade teacher you had a crush on. I’m a graduate of Harvard and Yale and I believe that my powers of debate can rise to meet the Socratic wonder that is the White House press corps.

Actually, most of ‘those people’ DO speak English. Why do you care if they prefer not to? Does it somehow take food off your table or the clothes off your back?

The fact that Acosta hasn’t lost his cool yet is absolutely amazing. I really don’t know how he manages it. I’m starting to wonder whether his brain produces natural Xanax.

Yes, show up for all your appointments, so that ICE can arrest you on the spot, ship you across the country to be held in squalid conditions at a for-profit ‘detention center’, and keep you there indefinitely without access to your family or your attorney.

Here’s a newsflash for you: everyone on US soil has the same

I think you’re being far too kind, but maybe it’s just me.

“Lots of people on Social Security never worked or worked hardly at all.”

Hence the existence of a phrase my father has always been fond of - “educated idiot.”

Eh, I don’t know about that. I actually think that if it came to SCOTUS in its current form, they’d probably toss Buck if the correct legal arguments were made.

And a not-so-minor detail - while many insurance plans cover vasectomy, *reversing* a vasectomy is considered purely elective and isn’t covered.

But it isn’t really a choice. People need to be able to keep earn a living, to take care of their children or their parents, keep a roof over their heads and food on the table, and you can’t do those things from inside a jail cell.

Where’s the GoFundMe? I’d donate to that effort.

Can I skip the 90s nostalgia and go to 90s nostalgia nostalgia - I’ll go 70s hippie chic and pretend it’s 90s hippie nostalgia?

The last time my hair cooperated with fashion was roughly 1971, when I had the requisite long-enough-to-sit-on, stick-straight parted-down-the-middle flower child’s mane. Which I never actually got to wear that way, because my mother didn’t remotely have the patience to deal with THAT mess on a squirming kid yelling,

It is amazing how many of my memories of the 80s involve ripping shoulder pads out of something. At that point in life, all I needed was a wig and some rhinestones and I’d have been a great Dolly Parton impersonator - that last thing I needed was broad shoulders and boxy cuts.

I’m guessing that’s a movie that would make a fortune.

Never underestimate the power of the seriously delusional.

Except, of course, for the trans people you’ve met that have ‘perfected the voice’ and you have no idea that you were speaking to a trans man or trans woman...