
I mean she wasn’t “famous” when she was first Lady of Arkansas. She was one in a long line of first ladies at that point . How was she supposed to know to do something? She couldn’t have known it would have been held against her almost 30 years later.

Wait... we’re really wondering why someone who was sentenced to 5 years for stealing $120 would be afraid of standing trial for armed robbery?

Wrong page, racist guy.......

Does not matter. The court wouldn’t accept the plea and then got a result it didn’t like from a jury. That should be the end of it. He should walk out of the court a free man. Instead, the judge threw a legal hissy fit and revoked his probation because the judge thought he deserved to be in jail for something.

Christ on a bicycle. Booing is not rioting; neither is it whining and crying. There being literally no advice that a billionaire trust-fund baby is qualified to give to rising college graduates about to try to actually make their way in the world, said graduates are under no obligation to listen to anything she

What, precisely, would sitting politely and golf-clapping when she finished her rant of horseshit have accomplished? Right-wing “news” is not going to report this story with anything approaching a level head, no matter how it goes down. The alternative report to “Out of Control Black Kids Riot At Their Own

> Postscript to the chuckleheads who get hard slinging accusations of libtard hypocrisy: try to experiment with the possibility of holding two thoughts in your head at once, like: “Comey’s conduct during the election was grossly inappropriate; I suspect that Trump’s motivations for firing Comey three and a half months

This is not really what has happened but I guess it makes for good “libs be like” memes.

Oh shut the fuck up.